trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Funny how her own news organization did not support her right after this alleged assault .
She at first had no idea who assaulted her , until Washington Post reporter Ben Terris tells her who grabbed her .
A Vine video has emerged, purporting to show a new angle of the incident. The footage appears inconclusive, but visible in the background is Ken Kurson, editor-in-chief of the New York Observer, who appears to have had a close-up view of the action.
Breitbart News reached out to Kurson, who responded via e-mail:

I was five feet away from the alleged incident and didn’t see anything. I was literally looking right at Corey when it supposedly happened. Someone sent me a Vine of it (I look bald as hell, goddammit — and what’s with that backpack?!?!!?) and if this happened, I think I would have seen it. I have a lot of experience as both a journalist and operative in these kind of press scrums and I didn’t see anything at all out of the norm.

Typical TOS .
Always the first who wants to hang any GOP person without waiting for all the facts to come to light . But also the first to defend any D until facts come to light , then TOS goes missing .

Hey genius, people dont get arrested and charged with crimes for nothing.



nowhere special
Yes they do .
Every person in prison claims they were railroaded .

Fox News has released a view from above , It does not support her first story that she was thrown to the ground .

There was minor contact but doubtful if there was enough for criminal charges. It is at most a misdemeanor. Political trial where it is about media attention and a guilty verdict isn't important.

That reporter has been very vocally anti Trump and she worked for Breitbart who is pro Trump. There was a lot more going on behind the scenes.

No worse than what Huma Abedin did at a Hillary rally.

In February cameras caught top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin shoving away a woman who tried to hug her after the Democrat Party presidential debate.


Well-Known Member
voters here would not want to waste their time listening to 1 percenters when the race is in its stretch run. You do realize that just because Europe does it does not necessarily mean its a good idea?
yes because the media giving all the time to 1 or 2 candidates is good for democracy lol


Strength through joy Secret Service source: Breitbart reporter touched Trump
'She crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to'
Why did she wait 3 days to file charges ?
And when was the picture of her bruised arm taken ?
Those "bruises" if that's what they are look like eye shadow makeup .

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson told CNN that Fields “crossed the threshold of the Secret Service,” indicating Lewandowski could use that defense when he appears at a May hearing.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wonder what "clever" come-back POS will have now! Probably just dodge the facts and make something else up.

You people are so gulible. The police have reviewed ALL the videos, did all the interviews and sent that investigation to the district attorney, that district attorney pressed the charges against Trumps campaign manager.

How you colts cant figure that out is astonishing.

Somehow, you want to believe, the police went after Trumps guy for political reasons, as if that is possible, and that Trumps guy is innocent, despite a police investigation that took days, interviews that took days, and the district attorney coming to the same conclusion as the woman involved.

The problem with you colts, is that you refuse to accept anything wrong with Trump or what he does. He is your last hope for victory, he is your savior, he is representative of the idiocy that you people represent on this very board and you wont let go of him no matter what.

I really feel sorry for you people. Your political party is coming to an end, and your last gasp rests with a race baiting blowhard with zero experience and zero chance of becoming president.

In your honor, since you like listening to this windbag, I present you this. Print it, frame it, worship it as these months pass until his ultimate loss.

Your welcome.

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Strength through joy
Actually this demonstrates the failures of the Secret Service .
A person was able to make physical contact several times upon their protectee which they could not prevent .


Strength through joy
TOS please don't read this.....
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.

An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”

Mike Cernovich, writing Tuesday in the blog, cited the Palm Beach Post article in arguing the charges against Lewandowski were politically motivated. He contended “there was no assault,” because reporter Michelle Fields “was heading towards Trump and was brushed away due to security concerns.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS please don't read this.....
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.

An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”

Mike Cernovich, writing Tuesday in the blog, cited the Palm Beach Post article in arguing the charges against Lewandowski were politically motivated. He contended “there was no assault,” because reporter Michelle Fields “was heading towards Trump and was brushed away due to security concerns.”

What does any of this have to do with the case in question?

The police do the investigation you COLT, and the district attorney reviews the evidence then makes a determination to charge.

The real problem with backwoods thinking, is that there is a conspiracy behind everything. It justifies all the wrongs in your mind.

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nowhere special
Video was released that shows the reporter, Michelle Fields, did not flinch, did not change her facial expression, did not even notice Lewandowski during the incident. Fields later charged Lewandowsky with “battery.”

Fields also wrote about the alleged attack the day after the incident.
It was filled with lies and inaccuracies.

Fields was not “jolted backwards.” She was not “yanked down.” Lewandowski did not “try to throw reporters to the ground.”

Now this…
Three days after the brush-up Fields filed police charges.
Michelle Fields told police Corey Lewandowski used his fist and teeth

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Video was released that shows the reporter, Michelle Fields, did not flinch, did not change her facial expression, did not even notice Lewandowski during the incident. Fields later charged Lewandowsky with “battery.”

Fields also wrote about the alleged attack the day after the incident.
It was filled with lies and inaccuracies.

Fields was not “jolted backwards.” She was not “yanked down.” Lewandowski did not “try to throw reporters to the ground.”

Now this…
Three days after the brush-up Fields filed police charges.
Michelle Fields told police Corey Lewandowski used his fist and teeth

This means what to the case??

The guy was charged of a misdemeanor crime. He will plead no contest and it will go away. There will be no trial. Trump cannot afford the publicity of a trial.

A no contest plea is the equivilent to a slap on the wrist. There is no way this goes to trial.

Either way, a strong message to TRUMP and his supporters to stop the violence at his rallies.

Hitler would be proud though. I guess there is a silver lining for you oldy.



Strength through joy
And nobody from the other side mentioned that she was an anti-trump reporter .

Along with the facts that many other reporters over the decades have been pushed into tables , jammed against walls , have fallen & were tramped on by their fellow reporters , and have suffered real injuries .
Alas now we have a new illness falling across the land TDS , supported and promoted by the DNC.