trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
no i dont think so. jeremy scahill does great reporting on american wars. trump is teh first one that im aware that has been called a fascist because those are precisely some of the attributes he reflects. i mean i know ralph nader compared w bush to king henry or whatever because he ruled by decree, but thats probably the same for obama as well with his kill lists and the like.

fascism in america is a new development.

many of the guys i listen to have lots of conservative values. we dont fall for the divide and conquer of the left / right paradigm unlike some people lol....
You listen to socialists.

You believe in socialism.

I believe in freedom.


Well-Known Member
Are the Teamsters running for President?



Well-Known Member
from a huffpost article and i heard some of the other guys i listen to mention it.

re: 1.9 billion in free advertising for donald trump:

"France enforces its mantra of “equality” all the way to the finish line of the presidential campaign. For five weeks before the second round of the election, the law mandates that all candidates are given (truly) equal time on television and radio. If an anchor, whether on a public or private channel, interviews Sarkozy or Hollande on prime time, for example, she has to interview the New Anti-Capitalist Party candidate Philippe Poutou and the “Debout la République” candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (both currently polling at 1 percent) on prime time for the same length of time over the next few days. Airwave time and exposure is monitored and enforced by the state’s Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (High Council for Audiovisual)."


Well-Known Member
from a huffpost article and i heard some of the other guys i listen to mention it.

re: 1.9 billion in free advertising for donald trump:

"France enforces its mantra of “equality” all the way to the finish line of the presidential campaign. For five weeks before the second round of the election, the law mandates that all candidates are given (truly) equal time on television and radio. If an anchor, whether on a public or private channel, interviews Sarkozy or Hollande on prime time, for example, she has to interview the New Anti-Capitalist Party candidate Philippe Poutou and the “Debout la République” candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (both currently polling at 1 percent) on prime time for the same length of time over the next few days. Airwave time and exposure is monitored and enforced by the state’s Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (High Council for Audiovisual)."

France was a bad pick.


Well-Known Member
from a huffpost article and i heard some of the other guys i listen to mention it.

re: 1.9 billion in free advertising for donald trump:

"France enforces its mantra of “equality” all the way to the finish line of the presidential campaign. For five weeks before the second round of the election, the law mandates that all candidates are given (truly) equal time on television and radio. If an anchor, whether on a public or private channel, interviews Sarkozy or Hollande on prime time, for example, she has to interview the New Anti-Capitalist Party candidate Philippe Poutou and the “Debout la République” candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (both currently polling at 1 percent) on prime time for the same length of time over the next few days. Airwave time and exposure is monitored and enforced by the state’s Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (High Council for Audiovisual)."

voters here would not want to waste their time listening to 1 percenters when the race is in its stretch run. You do realize that just because Europe does it does not necessarily mean its a good idea?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Ya, but he will plead not guilty, and trump will throw a ton of money at the courts and he thinks he will walk.

Unfortunately, he will be convicted, even of a lesser crime and all the money in the world wont matter, but trump will go on to highlight the case of BIG GOVERNMENTS overreach, and the drones will buy into it.

Ahh, the good old days, when you could just beat someone and there was no consequences.



Strength through joy
Ya, but he will plead not guilty, and trump will throw a ton of money at the courts and he thinks he will walk.

Unfortunately, he will be convicted, even of a lesser crime and all the money in the world wont matter, but trump will go on to highlight the case of BIG GOVERNMENTS overreach, and the drones will buy into it.

Ahh, the good old days, when you could just beat someone and there was no consequences.


Funny how her own news organization did not support her right after this alleged assault .
She at first had no idea who assaulted her , until Washington Post reporter Ben Terris tells her who grabbed her .
A Vine video has emerged, purporting to show a new angle of the incident. The footage appears inconclusive, but visible in the background is Ken Kurson, editor-in-chief of the New York Observer, who appears to have had a close-up view of the action.
Breitbart News reached out to Kurson, who responded via e-mail:

I was five feet away from the alleged incident and didn’t see anything. I was literally looking right at Corey when it supposedly happened. Someone sent me a Vine of it (I look bald as hell, goddammit — and what’s with that backpack?!?!!?) and if this happened, I think I would have seen it. I have a lot of experience as both a journalist and operative in these kind of press scrums and I didn’t see anything at all out of the norm.

Typical TOS .
Always the first who wants to hang any GOP person without waiting for all the facts to come to light . But also the first to defend any D until facts come to light , then TOS goes missing .