trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
25,000 people in Massachusetts switched over from Dem to Rep to vote for Trump and he won that state by a landslide.

One of the biggest problems with Trump supporters, is their susceptibility to "suggestion". Ok, lets say that actually happened, and yes Trump won the GOP version of the primary.

But, would he actually win the state in the General Election with those 25,000 that alledgedly switched? Look at the numbers and see for yourself. Now, I know you avoid numbers, like the rest of non thinking republicans in a general election, but those metrics just dont lie.

Look at the numbers :

Trump won the GOP primary with 311,313 votes... V. Clinton won the DNC primary with 603,784

That is more than DOUBLE what Trump Recieved. Of course, you are going to say that the other candidates took away votes from Trump, and you would be correct, but thats because 303,355 voters in the state DIDNT WANT Trump at all.

So add those numbers together, assuming those that DIDNT VOTE for Trump would actually VOTE for him come november.

614,668 total GOP votes INCLUDING those 25,000 votes you are BANKING on.

Yes, to an oblivious person, that would be more than the 603,784 votes Clinton recieved, but you now have to factor in the votes that bernie sanders received in the same primary and that TELLS you the REALITY of Massachusetts voters.

Bernie Sanders received 586,716, Now, assuming those voters would also vote for Clinton what is the total now?


can you see clearly now??

The power of suggestion has you thinking that in Massachusetts, Trump actually has a chance to win the state, but REALITY slaps you in the face and tells you to use your brain and whatever basic math you learned in high school and accept that TRUMP cannot win the state.

You however, listen to FOX news pundits telling you how crossovers are going to help Trump win these states, and you dont bother to validate any of those claims.

The right wing propaganda sources only have one role, and that is to give you HOPE.

I, on the other hand, am here to take that HOPE, and step all over it until you understand what is the enevitable.

Hope this brings you some clarity.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
One of the biggest problems with Trump supporters, is their susceptibility to "suggestion". Ok, lets say that actually happened, and yes Trump won the GOP version of the primary.

But, would he actually win the state in the General Election with those 25,000 that alledgedly switched? Look at the numbers and see for yourself. Now, I know you avoid numbers, like the rest of non thinking republicans in a general election, but those metrics just dont lie.

Look at the numbers :

Trump won the GOP primary with 311,313 votes... V. Clinton won the DNC primary with 603,784

That is more than DOUBLE what Trump Recieved. Of course, you are going to say that the other candidates took away votes from Trump, and you would be correct, but thats because 303,355 voters in the state DIDNT WANT Trump at all.

So add those numbers together, assuming those that DIDNT VOTE for Trump would actually VOTE for him come november.

614,668 total GOP votes INCLUDING those 25,000 votes you are BANKING on.

Yes, to an oblivious person, that would be more than the 603,784 votes Clinton recieved, but you now have to factor in the votes that bernie sanders received in the same primary and that TELLS you the REALITY of Massachusetts voters.

Bernie Sanders received 586,716, Now, assuming those voters would also vote for Clinton what is the total now?


can you see clearly now??

The power of suggestion has you thinking that in Massachusetts, Trump actually has a chance to win the state, but REALITY slaps you in the face and tells you to use your brain and whatever basic math you learned in high school and accept that TRUMP cannot win the state.

You however, listen to FOX news pundits telling you how crossovers are going to help Trump win these states, and you dont bother to validate any of those claims.

The right wing propaganda sources only have one role, and that is to give you HOPE.

I, on the other hand, am here to take that HOPE, and step all over it until you understand what is the enevitable.

Hope this brings you some clarity.

Only 2 problems with your theory.

This isn't November and people will be allowed to vote for any candidate on the ballot.


Strength through joy
Dems need the votes of welfare brats to maintain their power to give the welfare brats more benefits . Less welfare brats voting would end this cycle of greed .


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest problems with Trump supporters, is their susceptibility to "suggestion". Ok, lets say that actually happened, and yes Trump won the GOP version of the primary.

But, would he actually win the state in the General Election with those 25,000 that alledgedly switched? Look at the numbers and see for yourself. Now, I know you avoid numbers, like the rest of non thinking republicans in a general election, but those metrics just dont lie.

Look at the numbers :

Trump won the GOP primary with 311,313 votes... V. Clinton won the DNC primary with 603,784

That is more than DOUBLE what Trump Recieved. Of course, you are going to say that the other candidates took away votes from Trump, and you would be correct, but thats because 303,355 voters in the state DIDNT WANT Trump at all.

So add those numbers together, assuming those that DIDNT VOTE for Trump would actually VOTE for him come november.

614,668 total GOP votes INCLUDING those 25,000 votes you are BANKING on.

Yes, to an oblivious person, that would be more than the 603,784 votes Clinton recieved, but you now have to factor in the votes that bernie sanders received in the same primary and that TELLS you the REALITY of Massachusetts voters.

Bernie Sanders received 586,716, Now, assuming those voters would also vote for Clinton what is the total now?


can you see clearly now??

The power of suggestion has you thinking that in Massachusetts, Trump actually has a chance to win the state, but REALITY slaps you in the face and tells you to use your brain and whatever basic math you learned in high school and accept that TRUMP cannot win the state.

You however, listen to FOX news pundits telling you how crossovers are going to help Trump win these states, and you dont bother to validate any of those claims.

The right wing propaganda sources only have one role, and that is to give you HOPE.

I, on the other hand, am here to take that HOPE, and step all over it until you understand what is the enevitable.

Hope this brings you some clarity.


yes captain smith your ship did strike an iceberg and its sinking rapidly despite your protests.


Well-Known Member
Many Democrats here in MA voted for Trump in the primary with no intention of voting for him in the general.

Trumps poll numbers are underwater with millenials, women, Republicans, and Latinos.

Hard to see how that translates into a win.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
People were allowed to vote for any candidate on the ballot in Wisconsin. Trump got waxed.
And your point being is??????

Because I can't remember the last time a candidate swept all 50 states.

Unless they were a sitting President running for re-election.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Only 2 problems with your theory.

This isn't November and people will be allowed to vote for any candidate on the ballot.

Are you really this dense?

Are you suggesting that over 600K voted for hillary and over 500K voted for Bernie because "they had too"...?? But they will vote for trump in november?

Cmon man, are you really this gulible?

Trump got SMOKED in Massachusetts by both Hillary and Bernie, and that is only a sign of things to come in November.

You can cling to some absurd theory that somehow, the majority of voters in MA would somehow switch to Trump, while the rest of thinking America laughs at you.

This is how strong, the power of "suggestion" is.

Your right wing sources all repeat the same stupid theory that democrats are flocking to Trump, even though the numbers dont bear that out, and people like you swallow that crap hook line and sinker.

This is just like the romney campaign, when Morelock was going nuts posting about how romney was going to win the election and take votes from the "black guy"..

It was a good laugh on election night at her expense and this year, the laugh will be on the likes of YOU, Newfie, Morelock and Pickup.

The regular right wingers have been pretty much silent this time around, as even "they" know what cards the GOP is holding. I dont blame them.

You newer guys still havent learned your political lessons yet. Its all about the misinformation and repetition.

The more you say it, the truer it becomes to you despite the realities of the situation.

Those 25,000 seemed like a big number when you first heard it repeated by FOX news pundits and right wing radio over and over, but when you contrast that to the overwhelming deficit that Trump faces in a state like massachusetts, that 25,000 amounts to pssing in the wind.

Grab a paper towel, youre going to need one.
