trump 2016

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you have specific evidence as to the citizenship status of theses protesters. Or do you just automatically assume they are undocumented?
Evidence? Nah.....

Would be willing to bet that a ridiculously large chunk of them are "undocumented"? Yeppers!

Either way (as i already said.... legal status aside) they are barbaric animals and clearly don't belong in this country. Particularly the Mexican flag waving scumbags.


Well-Known Member
Evidence? Nah.....

Would be willing to bet that a ridiculously large chunk of them are "undocumented"? Yeppers!

Either way (as i already said.... legal status aside) they are barbaric animals and clearly don't belong in this country. Particularly the Mexican flag waving scumbags.
Same could be said for the Drumpf supporters.;)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you work for the leftist media Here, I would not expect a different response.

Math is something that is just an inconvenient truth to people like you newfie.

I get it, you dont want to see Hillary as president, but at some point, you will just have to accept reality. That day will be a sad one, (for you) but for the rest of thinking america, it will be another milestone in progressive change.

Math may not be your specialty, and I know its frightening to watch Trump take the nomination but lose the election, but it is what it is bro.

People like you and brown use words like... "trump blewout the others"... "trump dominated the night"...

But, in reality, he only beat other candidates who dont have a chance either of becoming president of the United States.

Lets be real.

Trumps closest competition is someone the former drunk speaker of the house calls "lucifer"..

That alone says all it needs to about your political party.

It sucks.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Thank the Lord Jesus i wasnt included in that....... Can i make a statement now?
I was just pointing out the OPINION some people had 9 months ago.

And being OPINIONS, they could be wrong.

Too many on here think that their OPINIONS are facts.

They are not.


Inordinately Right
What has Trump ever done to you that would warrant that statement?
Are you trolling?
He doesn't have to "do" anything to me, I'm giving my opinion on the guy. I don't like the way he talks, arrogant, pompous, rude. He's a D*, and I think a lot of that comes with money, power, and the fact he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

This is just me talking about his personality. If I thought he would be a good president I could overlook his personality traits, but I don't.


Well-Known Member
I clearly advocate VIOLENCE against bigotry and hatred. I clearly advocate a beatdown, if a person is dumb enough to exit his car in the face of a thousand protesters, mostly WHITE by the way, and repeat the viotriolic hate speech of Donald Trump.


and that attitude is why trump will win the presidency. You liberals and your suppression of free speech are ruining this country.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Latest real clear poll has him even with Hillary at 38-38.

So yes, I think Trump will win a majority of states, votes and electoral college votes.

Ahh, what are you smoking?


Trump still trails hillary by large margins, greater margins than either McCain or Romney trailed at this same point in the election cycles..

Rassmussen polls shows them even, but everyone , and I mean Everyone knows that the FOX NEWS rassmussen polling is always wrong and rated as the worst pollsters in the country.

They are the least accurate out of every single polling company in the country.

Good luck with your 38-38...
