trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
leftist media provided facts. keep spinning your fairy tale

Leftist media??

Since when is MATH a leftist media thing?

Math my friend, is an ugly reality for you to accept. Even with the most basic rednecked education, you can see the numbers just dont add up for Trump.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
KUDOS to the person who rocked this idiots face.


If you decide to get out of your car, and walk into a group of a thousand people and talk TRUMP smack, then you are going to get a beatdown.

This is california, it aint no red state. We might have some red state idiots roaming around, but this particular one found out the hardway what will happen when you talk smack to a crowd that doesnt support your vitriolic hatred.

California is an unfriendly place for Trump.

There is more to come at his next appearance. Stay Tuned.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
KUDOS to the person who rocked this idiots face.


If you decide to get out of your car, and walk into a group of a thousand people and talk TRUMP smack, then you are going to get a beatdown.

This is california, it aint no red state. We might have some red state idiots roaming around, but this particular one found out the hardway what will happen when you talk smack to a crowd that doesnt support your vitriolic hatred.

California is an unfriendly place for Trump.

There is more to come at his next appearance. Stay Tuned.


You clearly advocate violence towards peaceful people. A true American would be pissed about the behavior by the protestors, many of which were probably illegal alien Mexicans, towards the Trump supporters. Regardless of their political ideology. You Californians should be fighting against such thuggery towards American citizens. Not defending them. But then again.....California isn't really part of the American way of life anymore and hasn't been for years.
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Well-Known Member
What facts?

That Cruz beat Trump in Wisconsin by 13 points?

That proves nothing.

Unless you are saying that Sanders beating Hillary by 13 points in Wisconsin means something too?

The fact that Trump will most likely get hosed in a general election.

His numbers are underwater.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You clearly advocate violence towards peaceful people. A true American would be :censored2: about the behavior by the protestors, many of which were probably illegal alien Mexicans, towards the Trump supporters. Regardless of their political ideology. You Californians should be fighting against such thuggery towards American citizens. Not defending them. But then again.....California isn't really part of the American way of life anymore and hasn't been for years.

I clearly advocate VIOLENCE against bigotry and hatred. I clearly advocate a beatdown, if a person is dumb enough to exit his car in the face of a thousand protesters, mostly WHITE by the way, and repeat the viotriolic hate speech of Donald Trump.

And if you backwoods people dont understand it, I could really care less.

Just because you play with guns, you believe you have the courage high ground, but I assure you, you dont just as this maroon found out.

The new posterboy for stupidity, this idiot will have to look into the mirror everyday and see the reminder of supporting a candidate that is not only wrong for america, but wrong for himself.

Your link "Suggests" he was beaten by illegals, but there is no proof of such a thing. Were there mexican flags in the area, sure, but there was a ton of whites protesting as "THEY" organized it.

In the coming weeks, there are many more protests planned against Trump.

This isnt the backwoods where the thinking is stuck on 1940.

Welcome to California, now get out Trump.

KUDOS to the person who rocked this idiots face.


If you decide to get out of your car, and walk into a group of a thousand people and talk TRUMP smack, then you are going to get a beatdown.

This is california, it aint no red state. We might have some red state idiots roaming around, but this particular one found out the hardway what will happen when you talk smack to a crowd that doesnt support your vitriolic hatred.

California is an unfriendly place for Trump.

There is more to come at his next appearance. Stay Tuned.

Yeah OK.
You showed what a racist you are.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The larger issue here, is that TRUMP incites violence. Violence generated by his words, by his intentions, by his cavelier attitude towards minorities.

He cant take back what he has said. His words spark excitement in rednecked America, but when you come to a melting pot like California, those words are fighting words.

As this election cycle continues, and each protest gets more ugly, TRUMP is the one who suffers the most. YES, people will get arrested, people will probably get hurt in the process, but the overall perception will haunt Donald Trump and stigmatize him as a divider and NOT a UNITER.

At this point, half the republican party hates Donald Trump, and the progressive liberal democrats hate Donald Trump and yet, there are those on this board that believe he has a chance to win the white house.

Its a laughable proposition at best, but heck, its worth the laugh.

At least Romney had a chance to get some crossover votes, but Trump, well, honestly, there are stupid people everywhere and I am sure there are some that find him appealing and presidential.

His loss on election night will be epic, and the field day I will have with his supporters will also be epic.

"Believe me, believe me."



Well-Known Member
Leftist media??

Since when is MATH a leftist media thing?

Math my friend, is an ugly reality for you to accept. Even with the most basic rednecked education, you can see the numbers just dont add up for Trump.


you work for the leftist media Here, I would not expect a different response.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The fact that Trump will most likely get hosed in a general election.

His numbers are underwater.
You keep telling yourself that.

Trump just keeps getting more and more support as he goes.

And showing the world what the protestors really are.

They are what's wrong with this country.

Criminals thugs that don't contribute anything to society.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The larger issue here, is that TRUMP incites violence. Violence generated by his words, by his intentions, by his cavelier attitude towards minorities.

He cant take back what he has said. His words spark excitement in rednecked America, but when you come to a melting pot like California, those words are fighting words.

As this election cycle continues, and each protest gets more ugly, TRUMP is the one who suffers the most. YES, people will get arrested, people will probably get hurt in the process, but the overall perception will haunt Donald Trump and stigmatize him as a divider and NOT a UNITER.

At this point, half the republican party hates Donald Trump, and the progressive liberal democrats hate Donald Trump and yet, there are those on this board that believe he has a chance to win the white house.

Its a laughable proposition at best, but heck, its worth the laugh.

At least Romney had a chance to get some crossover votes, but Trump, well, honestly, there are stupid people everywhere and I am sure there are some that find him appealing and presidential.

His loss on election night will be epic, and the field day I will have with his supporters will also be epic.

"Believe me, believe me."

Can you say President Donald Trump?

Because it's happening.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I clearly advocate VIOLENCE against bigotry and hatred. I clearly advocate a beatdown, if a person is dumb enough to exit his car in the face of a thousand protesters, mostly WHITE by the way, and repeat the viotriolic hate speech of Donald Trump.

And if you backwoods people dont understand it, I could really care less.

Just because you play with guns, you believe you have the courage high ground, but I assure you, you dont just as this maroon found out.

The new posterboy for stupidity, this idiot will have to look into the mirror everyday and see the reminder of supporting a candidate that is not only wrong for america, but wrong for himself.

Your link "Suggests" he was beaten by illegals, but there is no proof of such a thing. Were there mexican flags in the area, sure, but there was a ton of whites protesting as "THEY" organized it.

In the coming weeks, there are many more protests planned against Trump.

This isnt the backwoods where the thinking is stuck on 1940.

Welcome to California, now get out Trump.

You, and your liberal scum brethren, are, in fact, the very hateful, bigoted, and racists that you claim everyone else to be. If you savages keep up this behavior one day there WILL be a reckoning. The only thing that's keeping it from happening now is the fact that the rest of us are actually civilized and patient. But keep it up and see what happens. Even the most peaceful and understanding human beings have a breaking point.

The people that attacked the Trump supporter are the worst of your kind. Many of them don't belong in this country (whether they are citizens or legal permanent residents or not) and would have attacked the guy simply because he was white. You know this and you approve of it. You probably are just like them.

But rest assured that one day you will have to decide which end of a beating you would like to be on when the you know what hits the fan. Its just a matter of time. Every one in a while a civilized people have to put down the savage animals that people like you are.
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Latino activists vow more Trump protests as tensions heighten


The wall just got 10 feet taller!! LMAO!

The violent protests are free advertisements for Trump... Too bad they weren't peaceful so we could take them seriously.

Someone should call ICE agents and tell them to bring about 30 charter buses and plenty of handcuffs to those rallies. But in Cali they'd probably just bus them to the nearest welfare office and have them all on full government benefits within a week and/or placed in a steady job at the VA to help continue screwing over our veterans.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Some interesting posts from right about when Trump announce for President.
Zero chance of being the nominee, but a huge opportunity for him to be an attention whore and spout crap that he would run government and foreign relations like a business.

This is moronic, but he IS a maroon, and so are his GOP fans.

Trump won't ever get the nomination (his speech could have been written by the Daily Show), but if he can knock Santorum off Fox's 'top ten' for the debate, that's a plus, and having him in the debate will be


Clown-car theater at its best.

You can be sure the GOP is disappointed he's running.

trump said something derogatory about mexicans. i dont understand why you would waste money and time on running if your going to insult such a huge part of the population

Anyone who thinks Trump is a legitimate candidate is a fool!! He's in there to stir things up.
Troll on !

It's still fun to watch liberals freaking out at the mention of Trump. He has no chance and is just in to bring attention to a couple of issues that are of interest to him.

The problem, as I stated earlier, is he will force several much more qualified candidates to drop out of the race before he also drops out.

I can tell people kiss his ass all day everyday. Some people really need to be told to stfu every now and then. Trump is long past due.

Trump is a clown.

He's not a serious contender...this is all about ego and self-aggrandizement.


So far genious, MILLIONS of americans are boycotting Trump and his entities. Complaints to NBC range in the millions.

Business associates with Trump are also cutting ties with him.

You dont win elections when you alienate half the entire country.

Trump has about as much a chance of winning as you do becoming mayor of your town.


His comments only appeal to a shrinking demographic. That demographic will never win a presidential election by themselves.

Which is exactly why Trump is an idiot. He needs to learn his racist, bigoted comments are not going to help him or the GOP.

The GOP was dying long before Trump showed up.


Well-Known Member
Someone should call ICE agents and tell them to bring about 30 charter buses and plenty of handcuffs to those rallies. But in Cali they'd probably just bus them to the nearest welfare office and have them all on full government benefits within a week and/or placed in a steady job at the VA to help continue screwing over our veterans.
I'm sure you have specific evidence as to the citizenship status of theses protesters. Or do you just automatically assume they are undocumented?