trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Everyone on here knows I an for Trump.

But Presidents have LITTLE effect on the markets.

Too many other factors.

You really think Bush crashed the market?

Or Clinton helped it?

Markets always over shoot to the upside and to the down side. I think Obama brought the market down about 15-20%.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Flashback Interview: Trump Defends Gays from Clintons in 2000

Flashback Interview: Trump Defends Gays from Clintons in 2000

So, are you saying now, on behalf of the republican party itself, that GAYS are welcomed, gay marriage is ok, domestic marriage should be respected, no businesses should discriminate against gays and places of business that dont want to serve gays are in the wrong??

Or, are you just pointing out the hypocrisy of Donald Drumpfs positioning just to get elected?

Which is it?

You either support gays and lesbians or you dont. IF you support Drumpf, then I better hear you supporting the LGBT community as TRUMP did in the very piece you linked.



nowhere special
So, are you saying now, on behalf of the republican party itself, that GAYS are welcomed, gay marriage is ok, domestic marriage should be respected, no businesses should discriminate against gays and places of business that dont want to serve gays are in the wrong??

Or, are you just pointing out the hypocrisy of Donald Drumpfs positioning just to get elected?

Which is it?

You either support gays and lesbians or you dont. IF you support Drumpf, then I better hear you supporting the LGBT community as TRUMP did in the very piece you linked.

Are you admitting the Clintons were anti Gay and Trump wasn't?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Are you admitting the Clintons were anti Gay and Trump wasn't?

As usual, an empty suit, just like trump.

And you wonder why Trump is going to get demolished in the general. YOU cant even justify his existence. Thanks for the ammo that helps to discredit Trump.

THINK before you post bro.
