trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Poor Drumpf...

Starting to show how weak he is as a general election candidate. No more beating up on weak GOP dummies. His soundbites and speeches of bullcrap starting to take their toll on his nonsense.

View attachment 85056
A second republican governor has come out and stated he WILL NOT VOTE FOR DONALD DRUMPF. Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland wont vote for Drumpf in november, and although he doesnt know who he will vote for, one thing is certain, Drumpf doesnt have his support.

Its pretty clear that DRUMPF is not going to have unity within the republican party, and its also pretty clear that only having the lowest common denominator of people wont be enough to win the white house.

Lowest common denominator.

Watch you all identify yourselves.

GOP Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan won't vote for Donald Trump -

Haven't you been posting of Donald Trump's demise for a year now?

Have you been right once about Trump?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When it comes to Trump, name 1 thing you have been right about?

I said he would be your nominee. I said he was the perfect opponent for the Democrats and the one who could easily be beaten.

I said he would win primaries not taking the majority of votes, as the GOP had tooany candidates splitting the majority of votes and cancelling each other out.

I said once he was your nominee, he would fall apart like a cheap trump suit made in Mexico.

I said his support within the GOP would deteriorate over time as Drumpfs stupidity would be too much to handle.

So far , i think I've gotten it right on all points.

While I didn't think the GOP base was stupid enough to allow him to win the nomination, I should have known better reading what you people write everyday.

I'd say I'm shocked, but I am really not.

Thanks for identifying yourself as one of the lowest common denominator.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I said he would be your nominee. I said he was the perfect opponent for the Democrats and the one who could easily be beaten.

I said he would win primaries not taking the majority of votes, as the GOP had tooany candidates splitting the majority of votes and cancelling each other out.

I said once he was your nominee, he would fall apart like a cheap trump suit made in Mexico.

I said his support within the GOP would deteriorate over time as Drumpfs stupidity would be too much to handle.

So far , i think I've gotten it right on all points.

While I didn't think the GOP base was stupid enough to allow him to win the nomination, I should have known better reading what you people write everyday.

I'd say I'm shocked, but I am really not.

Thanks for identifying yourself as one of the lowest common denominator.


So far genious, MILLIONS of americans are boycotting Trump and his entities. Complaints to NBC range in the millions.

Business associates with Trump are also cutting ties with him.

You dont win elections when you alienate half the entire country.

Trump has about as much a chance of winning as you do becoming mayor of your town.


Looks like you wont be voting in 2016 then.


Nobody will EVER run on a platform of mass deportation of immigrants. That would be suicide.


Leading the pack??

Where to exactly? To defeat? To obscurity? To another devastating loss that might just kill the republican party in 2016?

Where exactly do you think Trump is leading the republican party to?

Sure, in the GOP polls, he leads with 19% of the total vote, but thats STILL far less than Romney was getting at this same time in the last election. At least Romney could garner at least 25% among all the candidates while Trump cant break 20%.

You cheer as if this man actually had a chance, and "WE" democrats welcome that kind of thinking. Sure, its early, and like Herman Cain, and all the other losers who led early in the GOP polls, Trump is having his moment.

The reality unfortunatley, is that EVEN IF Trump was to win the nomination, he wouldnt have the support of the GOP establishment or the voters, and he all but insures a Clinton Victory.

This I relish.

I can only hope Trump, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum, Walker, Jindal, Palin, Fiorina, Potocky or Kacish wins the nomination.

That way, I know MORELUCK will do what she did in 2012 and tune out of the election coverage by 7pm Pacific Standard time when its apparent the GOP is going to get an ASH kicking.

2016 will be the year for the BEST of the WORST in the GOP.

After the loss in 2016, the republican party will be dead, and it will splinter into pieces with each piece trying to hang on to old ideas and old ways of doing business.

Your party will NEVER be a unified party until you folks make a conscious effort to leave the 1700's.


All i have in response is KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!!

Keep speaking that "TRUTH" and see how that works out for ya!!

I wont dare get in the way of Republican truth!!

Lets see how it plays out, eh?


Poor Trump, all the GOP polls had him leading by double digits and yet he almost comes in THIRD to marco IOWA.

His first defeat of the season shows that TRUMP isnt anything for the GOP to be afraid of. He can and will be beaten.

Unfortunately for the GOP, it was Cruz who beat him. Cruz cant win the White House either, so its a win win for the DEMOCRATS today in IOWA!

You, like most liberal Democrats will say or do anything to make your point.

After Trump lost Iowa, you said he can and will be beaten.

Most votes of any GOP candidate ever.

Now you say you knew and said all along that Trump would be the GOP nominee.

Lying now or were you lying then?

I have a feeling November is going to be a rough month for you and the rest of the Troll Patrol.


Well-Known Member
You, like most liberal Democrats will say or do anything to make your point.

After Trump lost Iowa, you said he can and will be beaten.

Most votes of any GOP candidate ever.

Now you say you knew and said all along that Trump would be the GOP nominee.

Lying now or were you lying then?

I have a feeling November is going to be a rough month for you and the rest of the Troll Patrol.

If Trump loses, what will you say?


Strength through joy
I heard Hillary is coming out with another new campaign , she plan to reinvent herself again .
How many do-overs will she need until she gets it right ?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Trump will win​

Gundlach: Donald Trump will be president, things will get 'scary'

From a trading perspective, Gundlach said Trump is "bonds negative and stocks positive." And if Clinton were to win, she would mean the opposite for the markets, he added.
Everyone on here knows I an for Trump.

But Presidents have LITTLE effect on the markets.

Too many other factors.

You really think Bush crashed the market?

Or Clinton helped it?



Got the T-Shirt
Everyone on here knows I am for Trump.


* No TOS violation. Pic available on the internet *


Engorged Member
Watch this high school kid school this liberal protestor.
16-Year-Old Black Trump Supporter Battles Older Black Trump Protester in Fiery Sidewalk Debate. Check Out Who Gains the Upper Hand.

And that folks is the mentality of the typical liberal. And they vote! How scary is that?

A black Trump supporter? Nothing odd about that. And reported in The Blaze, Glenn Beck's rag. Again, quite amazing.

What's funny is watching all the GOP types who hated Trump come simpering back. Rubio, Perry, Hannity, and a score of others now have their heads buried in Donald's butt. Beck was totally against Trump, so he has he come over too?