trump 2016


nowhere special
As usual, an empty suit, just like trump.

And you wonder why Trump is going to get demolished in the general. YOU cant even justify his existence. Thanks for the ammo that helps to discredit Trump.

THINK before you post bro.


Weak attempt at deflection. You couldn't even think up better lies than you usually do.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Weak attempt at deflection. You couldn't even think up better lies than you usually do.

You post a link that destroys your candidate and points out how little of a conservative he really is, but you then transfer that hypocrisy to yourself.

Think about it.

Like paul ryan tried to educate you on, "VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE" on Trump.

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Well-Known Member
As usual, an empty suit, just like trump.

And you wonder why Trump is going to get demolished in the general. YOU cant even justify his existence. Thanks for the ammo that helps to discredit Trump.

THINK before you post bro.


He has others do his thinking for him.

He really should stick to his comfort zone-----Romper Room.


Well-Known Member
Jealous? You don't like it when people post things you disagree with so instead of addressing facts you make personal attacks.

It's called honesty.

I honestly believe that you are the biggest joke on this forum and that you should restrict yourself to where you do not have to rely on the thoughts of others to convey your point-----Romper Room.


nowhere special
There are many members of this forum for whom I have the highest respect.

You are not one of them.

You are a bored retiree with little else to fill his day.

Oh, and you are a lousy carpenter.

I do post my own thoughts but they go over your closed minded head. I also support them with sources to support my statements. Which might be too complicated for you to comprehend.