trump 2016


nowhere special

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
GOP to consider conscientious objector rule change for delegates at the convention to try and DERAIL Donald DRUMPF.

While you people punch your keyboards to death defending DRUMPF, the GOP is working to OUST DRUMPF at the convention.

Your party is in a shambles, your candidate has foot in mouth desease and you people are stuck supporting a loser.

Good luck at the convention.

GOP to consider conscientious objector rule change for delegates at the convention to try and DERAIL Donald DRUMPF.

While you people punch your keyboards to death defending DRUMPF, the GOP is working to OUST DRUMPF at the convention.

Your party is in a shambles, your candidate has foot in mouth desease and you people are stuck supporting a loser.

Good luck at the convention.

You talking about Hilary?