trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trump's campaign is going dead in the water. He can't even raise money to compete with Hillary and there is open revolt amongst the GOP establishment.

Homeboy is going to have an aneurism when Drumpf loses in a landslide.:D

can you imagine the revolt on this board when DRUMPF gets creamed in the general election? These people will be calling for a civil war, as if they could actually fight and win that either. The best part of a civil war, is that these numbskulls would most likely kill each other.

As for DRUMPF, the reality is just starting to sink in.



Superpacs just are not coming out to help DRUMPF win. He knows he is in big trouble now, 5 weeks before the convention. I hope he goes BROKE in this campaign.

Nothing would be funnier than DRUMPF back in bankruptcy court.



Well-Known Member
You post a link that destroys your candidate and points out how little of a conservative he really is, but you then transfer that hypocrisy to yourself.

Think about it.

Like paul ryan tried to educate you on, "VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE" on Trump.


I am voting my conscience, voting Hillary would be unconsciensable


Well-Known Member
You had better send some money Trumps way. $1.3 million just isn't going to cut it. Appears that the donors are staying on the sidelines so far.

To elect Hillary you need a thick bag over her head and a ton of money. Donald will not need as much to get his message out. if this was simply a cash contest Donald could easily out spend her and take the job . hopefully all that cash will buy her an extra pillow in jail.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
To elect Hillary you need a thick bag over her head and a ton of money. Donald will not need as much to get his message out. if this was simply a cash contest Donald could easily out spend her and take the job . hopefully all that cash will buy her an extra pillow in jail.

Hey grandpa, 1.3 million wont last a week in advertising.

Maybe if DRUMPF hadnt diverted 6 million dollars to his own companies and children and aircraft and travel, he might have some cash on hand and wouldnt have to BEG for money to compete.

All he was able to fundraise last month was a little over 1 million dollars, then he loaned his campaign another 2.2 million last month, but he sent most of that money back to himself!

Yeah, thats a real fiscal leader.




Strength through joy
Hey TOS,
Did you happen to see the newest released emails from hillary's server ?
The requirements that she placed upon anyone who wanted to hire her for a speech ; she requested just what type of aircraft to be flown on , hotel bookings for her and her staff, including her advance team .
The list never seems to end .
Why would someone who is accustomed to such luxuries ever want to take a pay cut to be president ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey TOS,
Did you happen to see the newest released emails from hillary's server ?
The requirements that she placed upon anyone who wanted to hire her for a speech ; she requested just what type of aircraft to be flown on , hotel bookings for her and her staff, including her advance team .
The list never seems to end .
Why would someone who is accustomed to such luxuries ever want to take a pay cut to be president ?

Sarah Palin does the same thing and you are all up in her rear end.

Whats the difference?



Staff member
Hey TOS,
Did you happen to see the newest released emails from hillary's server ?
The requirements that she placed upon anyone who wanted to hire her for a speech ; she requested just what type of aircraft to be flown on , hotel bookings for her and her staff, including her advance team .
The list never seems to end .
Why would someone who is accustomed to such luxuries ever want to take a pay cut to be president ?
Ask Donald?