trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Deflecting on someone else is childish. Sarah is not on the ballet.

The issue isnt sarah.

The issue is speaking fees and demands. PALINS demands are far worse than Hillary's for speaking engagements but none of you complain about her. Your one sided anger is lame at best.

You may not like the money Hillary and the dems are raising, but you can blame the republicans and citizens united for it.

The GOP has NEVER been able to out fundraise the DEMS and Citizens United just made that worse for the GOP.

Look at the results so far, DRUMPF has less than a million in cash in the bank, while Hillary has 100 million in CASH in the bank and more to come in the next few months.

DRUMPF is going to get destroyed in the general election. HE isnt as rich as he claims, and now he has to get on his knees to get the GOP superpacs and donors on his side or his campaign is doomed.

He once said ROMNEY was on his knees in front of "HIM" and now, DRUMPF is the one on his knees with his mouth open and an empty stomach.

Laugh is on you people for supporting DRUMPF.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In the midst of his failing presidential campaign, Donald Drumpf decides to take time off the election trail to visit scotland to check on his golf course!!

In what demonstrates how lame Drumpf really is, his advisors and GOP strategists are scratching their heads wondering what the heck Drumpf is thinking.

As for Scotland, Drumpf has no plans to meet any leaders or politicians while there. Instead, the citizens of scotland are flying MEXICAN FLAGS to protest DRUMPFs arrival!

His gold course there, has lost millions of dollars and is very UNSUCCESSFUL.

You got to love Drumpfs stupidity.


Trump's Scottish trip is a bigger mistake than he realizes


nowhere special
Trump makes good on promise to self-fund his campaign
Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, cancelled the $50 million debt Thursday that his presidential campaign owed to him, making good on his promise to self-fund his run.

Mr. Trump has fully extinguished (terminated) this loan per his commitment,” the Trump campaign said in a statement.

The campaign said that the billionaire real estate tycoon was living up to the pledge he made in May, when he said, “I have absolutely no intention of paying myself back for the nearly $50 million dollars I have loaned to the campaign. This money is a contribution made in order to ‘Make America Great Again.’ “
Donald Trump cancels $50 million debt to himself, balances campaign’s books