trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
DRUMPF is a humiliation for not only the GOP but for the nation as well. He has embarrassed our country worldwide and today foriegn leaders are laughing at him and the GOP.

DRUMPFS campaign has been a trainwreck from the start, and when he won the nomination, I and others called it first. We GOT what we wanted, the weakest link to represent the GOP. So far, we have been right on the money.

Not much time left, but the drumpf supporters are starting to dwindle, they know its over, but they just cant bring themselves into letting go.

The GOP has come out strong against DRUMPF and calls for him to drop out are all over the country.

DRUMPF is too stupid to drop out, he would rather burn the republican party to the ground, instead of getting out of the way and giving the party a chance to win.

Thats selfishness.

GOP consumed by crisis as more Republicans call on Trump to quit race


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
DRUMPF first comes out with a WEAK apology, then follows it up with an ISIS style video apology where he doesnt apologize to his wife or family, and at the end, he blames Bill Clinton for his own stupidity.

In this video, the only thing missing is two hooded men standing behind him with swords threatening to cut his head off if he doesnt read the apology word for word.

The apology was poorly written and insincere.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is the typical DRUMPF supporter/surrogate failing to grasp the obvious and then trying to deflect away from the issue...

Sound familiar 1989? It should, she sounds just like YOU.



Well-Known Member
VOTE TRUMP AND GRAB EM' BY THE pusillanimous!!!

Once again more mud-slinging from the left, WHO CARES. This is pathetic

BTW This case isn't as bad as the Hilary laughing at rape.


Well-Known Member
Give it a rest bro. You are not going to have your way. If you really want to be taken seriously, accept defeat, accept that DRUMPF was the worse thing to happen to the GOP and accept that all the excuses you can throw out will make absolutely no difference in DRUMPF getting blown out in November.

There is no pride in defending a sick man, whats next, you going to tell us Charles Manson is all better now?

The "lowest common denominators" just dont know when its time to toss in the towel.

My life won't change. I will just move around some assets. I will still go to work. Play on the boat and spend a few weeks in Canadian gulf islands until I find a new career.


Staff member
My life won't change. I will just move around some assets. I will still go to work. Play on the boat and spend a few weeks in Canadian gulf islands until I find a new career.
ironically, Trump seemed to want to change your life abd that kind of money shifting.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is exactly what this country needs. This is exactly why the establish is doing everything in their power to keep him out of office. Clinton is the status quo candidate. Unfortunately a large portion of the masses are enslaved by the box in their living room that glows every night from 5pm to 10pm.