trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Sick minds think alike. My guess is that Trump is sleeping alone tonight after Melania had someone explain the video to her. Maybe he'll call-out for a hooker.

i'm amazed to see you so concerned about his marriage. I'm sure they are fine , hope you can survive the disappointment.


Well-Known Member
There is a reason I coined the phrase "lowest common denominator" for Drumpf supporters.

Only a person who is " unhinged" could see a positive light in an otherwise dark disgusting episode of drumpf stupidity.

Saying you like Drumpf even more today because he can get "pusillanimous" shows how little decency you really have.

A married public figure is bragging about trying to :censored2: a married woman and you find some "honor" in that statement.

He degrades the woman and then brags about how he can sexually assault women just because of his celebrity and you find strength in his character.

The hypocrisy of Christian middle America is on display for all to see thanks to your post.

Tonight, the country is condemning the statement and top Republicans are withdrawing support for him, but YOU, with your middle America thinking, find him an even greater human being.

The lowest common denominator is the perfect title for the most politically ignorant in this year's election.

Thanks for the confirmation.

What would Jesus say?

So you are saying bill and trump have a common denominator? What is the difference between the two? Trumps comments are a decade old and there have never been accusations of wrongdoing over that time.
While bill and Donald would make good company together. Hillary, on the other hand, has many more serious accusations. About real issues that are pertinent to the country. Accusations that you or I would not get away with. About issues much larger than even Enron or Bernie Madoff. Im definately not the same person I was a decade ago, are you?


Staff member
So you are saying bill and trump have a common denominator? What is the difference between the two? Trumps comments are a decade old and there have never been accusations of wrongdoing over that time.
While bill and Donald would make good company together. Hillary, on the other hand, has many more serious accusations. About real issues that are pertinent to the country. Accusations that you or I would not get away with. About issues much larger than even Enron or Bernie Madoff. Im definately not the same person I was a decade ago, are you?
I think a lot of women voters view Trump's treatment and views on women as highly pertinent.


Well-Known Member
i think we do.

who did you speak with and gather a coalition before speaking for "we"?

as crude as Trumps comments were they pale in comparison to Hillary's history not to mention her vile verbal abuse of those who worked for and protected her.


Staff member
who did you speak with and gather a coalition before speaking for "we"?

as crude as Trumps comments were they pale in comparison to Hillary's history not to mention her vile verbal abuse of those who worked for and protected her.
Christians. We have a good idea of what Jesus would say about Trump's view of women.


Well-Known Member
Christians. We have a good idea of what Jesus would say about Trump's view of women.

you keep dodging the issue which I admit is typical of you.

what would jesus say about a woman who badgered and threatened her husbands rape and sexual harassment victims?

try to man up now and answer the question directly.


Staff member
you keep dodging the issue which I admit is typical of you.

what would jesus say about a woman who badgered and threatened her husbands rape and sexual harassment victims?

try to man up now and answer the question directly.
Would likely depend on how she approached him. Is it as Herod's wife or as Pilate's wife?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So you are saying bill and trump have a common denominator? What is the difference between the two? Trumps comments are a decade old and there have never been accusations of wrongdoing over that time.
While bill and Donald would make good company together. Hillary, on the other hand, has many more serious accusations. About real issues that are pertinent to the country. Accusations that you or I would not get away with. About issues much larger than even Enron or Bernie Madoff. Im definately not the same person I was a decade ago, are you?

Give it a rest bro. You are not going to have your way. If you really want to be taken seriously, accept defeat, accept that DRUMPF was the worse thing to happen to the GOP and accept that all the excuses you can throw out will make absolutely no difference in DRUMPF getting blown out in November.

There is no pride in defending a sick man, whats next, you going to tell us Charles Manson is all better now?

The "lowest common denominators" just dont know when its time to toss in the towel.
