trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
Trump is NOT a tax evader but instead is a smart businessman who uses the tax codes to his advantage.
Wouldn't we have to actually see his returns to know that? I have seen no evidence of him being anything other that a con man and a cheat. We know he cheats in his business, so why would anyone think he doesn't cheat on his taxes?


Well-Known Member
I don't think even he would be foolish enough to mess with the IRS.
I have no idea how you would come up with that conclusion. The man has proven himself to be a fool many times over. Back before this country went insane, a person like him would never, ever, be considered a candidate for president.


The cat is out of the bag about him not paying federal taxes and he is still not releasing his returns leads me to think there is something else he is trying to hide.