trump 2016

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trump is NOT a tax evader but instead is a smart businessman who uses the tax codes to his advantage.

Are you saying that you do not take advantage of every deduction that you are entitled to?

Why do people keep giving TRUMP credit for his taxes? As if HE prepared them himself. Lets get serious DAVE, TRUMP has nothing to do with preparing his taxes, he has somebody doing it for him. That DOESNT make him a genius, rather, it makes him a CLIENT to somebody who DOES know about the tax codes.

But the reality is, he ISNT a good businessman, like W. BUSH, he has run businesses directly under his control straight into the ground and into bankruptcy. The buildings he claims to have built, were built by OTHERS and some just carried his name and HIS hands were never in charge of the money or operation.

TRUMP is an illusion, a phoney a fraud, and yes, thanks to his father, recieved millions of dollars to start out and to bail him out when he failed.

So, to keep calling him smart ISNT smart in itself.

Think about it Dave.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you're watching fox and quoting republicans. we may be able to undo the liberal brainwashing after all.

Whats the matter, you dont like when you see your own source of garbage used against your own candidate?

Condolessa Rice represents another large GOP voice speaking out against Trump. But you, in trailer world middle america think you know better.

Oh please.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What sources do you have he is a con man?
What specific examples can you provide? Clearly there is an abundant amount of examples of him being extremely successful.

Show us some examples of his being successful on HIS OWN, without the money of others or buildings with ONLY his name on them.

Go for it.



Porch Pirate
No but it convinced Trump to run.

Personally I think he is a spoiled little :censored2: but a very smart businessman.

More like a conman. Id rather have a businessman from silicon valley. For example, Elon Musk or Bill Gates. I can't Believe he's made it this far. Republicans made America the laughing stock of the world.

Donald Trump complained about China illegally dumping steel on us, 2/3 of his buildings are built on that steel. Consistently says immigrants take our jobs, but he's admitted to hiring H1B1 workers, give those jobs to Americans. Then again he probably pays crap too. Talks about millionaires and corporations killing the American worker. But probably hasn't paid his share in taxes in 20 years. He literally does the things he says he's fighting for. Id like to to see him make his suits and ties in the states too. I could go on but im lazy. Can't wait till this election is over and all the bigots fade into the woodwork.


Well-Known Member
Have you honestly not heard of Trump University?

Well if the judge wasn't part of a La Raza linked lawyer group, and if that group wasn't a large contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative and to Hillary's campaign then I wouldn't think there was much of a problem with that particular judge. But since none of that is the case i'm going to have to side with Trump and say that the judge is more than likely biased against Trump and is prolonging this trial past due. I think most reasoned people would agree that a judge tied to a racial activist group like "The Race" is probably a bad judge. Imagine a white judge linked to the KKK giving judgement to candidate Obama back in 2008, you think the Left would cry outrage?

TOS go back to watching CNN your useless...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well if the judge wasn't part of a La Raza linked lawyer group, and if that group wasn't a large contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative and to Hillary's campaign then I wouldn't think there was much of a problem with that particular judge. But since none of that is the case i'm going to have to side with Trump and say that the judge is more than likely biased against Trump and is prolonging this trial past due. I think most reasoned people would agree that a judge tied to a racial activist group like "The Race" is probably a bad judge. Imagine a white judge linked to the KKK giving judgement to candidate Obama back in 2008, you think the Left would cry outrage?

TOS go back to watching CNN your useless...

Blackjack, you are nothing more than another victim of suggestion media.

Its been suggested to you, that the judge was a member of la raza, but you havent the first clue what you are talking about other than the misinformation that you accept as FACT in your operating political brain.

I get it, it fits the stupid narrative you hold, and it fits the kind of stupid talk that captures the minds of the trump supporters... But lets examine the facts... (shall we?)

""What they are attempting to do is associate Curiel with the National Council of La Raza, the radical left-wing and pro-illegal-immigration group that has gained significant notoriety in the news over the years as a group that is both anti-American and open to fomenting violent pro-immigration protests.

Curiel, however, has no affiliation with this group whatsoever. He is a member of
La Raza Lawyers of California - aka the Latino Bar Association of California. They have absolutely no affiliation with National Council of La Raza. As far as I can tell, they appear to be a pretty garden variety special interest lawyers association. Every state has these chapters for Hispanic lawyers, black lawyers, women lawyers, Mormon lawyers, Christian lawyers, Jewish lawyers - you name it, there is a lawyer association for it in every state.""

The Dishonest Attempt to Associate Gonzalo Curiel with "La Raza" | RedState

This is the saddest part of the trump supporters, they believe everything they hear cause they lack the intelligence to check anything out for themselves.

BUT, dont worry, thats why I am here.

So rather than appear like the class idiot, why not educate yourself?


Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
huh? If you decide to call someone a maroon it might be good to spell and grammar check your post?
.....Not many care ,but it drives you insane!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
that's brilliant..... HAAAHHHAAAAAAAAA

It's all you stand on

Look whose come out of the closet, again. Where have you been? You were a part of the hype that was donald Drumpf at the begining, but it appears you swallowed that pill of reality that he is going to lose.

Another suggestion media victim, you rise to once again air your empty headed retorts.

Give it a rest.


Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Trump is NOT a tax evader but instead is a smart businessman who uses the tax codes to his advantage.

Are you saying that you do not take advantage of every deduction that you are entitled to?
A tax evader wants to correct our tax laws? you paid taxes and can't live as comfortable as ''trump''!!!


swollen member
Look whose come out of the closet, again. Where have you been? You were a part of the hype that was donald Drumpf at the begining, but it appears you swallowed that pill of reality that he is going to lose.

Another suggestion media victim, you rise to once again air your empty headed retorts.

Give it a rest.


sorry poop head, I was in time out.... you need to smoke some more of that PCP you got...


Inordinately Right
Well if the judge wasn't part of a La Raza linked lawyer group, and if that group wasn't a large contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative and to Hillary's campaign then I wouldn't think there was much of a problem with that particular judge. But since none of that is the case i'm going to have to side with Trump and say that the judge is more than likely biased against Trump and is prolonging this trial past due. I think most reasoned people would agree that a judge tied to a racial activist group like "The Race" is probably a bad judge. Imagine a white judge linked to the KKK giving judgement to candidate Obama back in 2008, you think the Left would cry outrage?

TOS go back to watching CNN your useless...
Why did you quote me and then ramble on at TOS?

I'm not talking about the judge, I'm talking about Trump University. It's a scam, a con. Are you suggesting otherwise?