trump 2016

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Well if the judge wasn't part of a La Raza linked lawyer group, and if that group wasn't a large contributor to the Clinton Global Initiative and to Hillary's campaign then I wouldn't think there was much of a problem with that particular judge. But since none of that is the case i'm going to have to side with Trump and say that the judge is more than likely biased against Trump and is prolonging this trial past due. I think most reasoned people would agree that a judge tied to a racial activist group like "The Race" is probably a bad judge. Imagine a white judge linked to the KKK giving judgement to candidate Obama back in 2008, you think the Left would cry outrage?

TOS go back to watching CNN your useless...
So you can not say anything positive about TRUMP taxes!?!


Bad Moon Risen'
It's a compelling argument that Trumps accountant/CPA is the person who knows the tax law inside & out.
Highly doubt that Trump had much to do with filing his tax forms.