trump 2016


Für Meno :)
French President in Canada today said no way he wants
Trump as US president
Our prime minister wasn't far behind as he said he's on the feminist side and people know where he stands.
I can't honestly believe how many stupid Americans are still out there supporting this nutcase Trump!


Well-Known Member
Trump is trying to delegitimize the election...

He's whining like a bitch.

He says if he loses, it's because the election was 'stolen' from him.

Please: big D, you lost this election all by yourself!

What a whiny loser!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He is acting like the little child that he really is...

A spoiled little brat who has had everything handed to him, and this is the first thing he has had to actually try and accomplish without cash being the influence, and he is failing miserably.

Drumpf ultimate loss is actually the nation's gain, and hopefully the country turns away from trying to run billionaires for the white house.


Well-Known Member
French President in Canada today said no way he wants
Trump as US president
Our prime minister wasn't far behind as he said he's on the feminist side and people know where he stands.
I can't honestly believe how many stupid Americans are still out there supporting this nutcase Trump!

you the guy that got fired for drinking on the job at ups and you comment on someone elses stupidity?


Well-Known Member
Drumpf ultimate loss is actually the nation's gain, and hopefully the country turns away from trying to run billionaires for the white house.

Like Hillary and her billionaire supporters? Are you really going to make a statement like that supporting Hillary who has enriched herself with hundreds of millions of dollars of pay to play gifts , bribes and kick backs?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Today, at DRUMPFs RALLY for the village idiots, Drumpf went on and on to ATTACK all the women who have accused him of sexually harrassing them.

Just like he accused Hillary Clinton of doing, he now has no choice but to do it himself.

13 women have come forward, and according to Gloria Allred, many more women are about to come forward. DRUMPF will not be able to wiggle out of this NOOSE.

The latest, a former contestant on the apprentice, has come out to alledge that DRUMPF has sexually assaulter her while she was on the show...

The video of the press conference, I bring to you, out of great pleasure. THANK YOU in advance!!

Former contestant on ‘The Apprentice’ accuses Trump of ‘inappropriate sexual conduct’


Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
running1.gif fired!!


Engorged Member
Trump is trying to delegitimize the election...

He's whining like a bitch.

He says if he loses, it's because the election was 'stolen' from him.

Please: big D, you lost this election all by yourself!

What a whiny loser!

He absolutely is a whining little bitch. The most disgusting thing about the Bush bus tape was Trump's superior attitude. Because he was a "star", he could do anything to women. By implication, he probably feels the same way about all of us little people who aren't important "stars" like he is.

The arrogance of this turd is sickening, and you know he secretly despises his supporters because they're dumb enough to buy the :censored2: he is selling.

The ultimate con man and liar of this age. Go straight to Hell, Donald.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Donald Trump is the Charlie Sheen of politics.
At first he got support, now he's just gone crazy, and losing it all.

The list of women continues to grow, the allegations range from grabbing breasts, to grabbing butts to grabbing pusillanimous(s)...

I told you that as the election got closer, the real garbage of Donald Drumpf would come out and destroy his candidacy and thats exactly what we are seeing today.

Thank you GOP for giving us this GIFT. You people got fooled into doing what "we" wanted from the start.

List of Drumpfs accusers:

UPDATED: A Complete List of All the Sexual Assault Allegations Against Donald Trump