trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Forget the fact that he's racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and obviously a little rapey.

His only qualification for POTUS is his supposed business acumen. Lulz.

No, he didn't break the law by not paying taxes - he was able to not pay taxes for a decade because he lost almost a billion dollars due to bad business decisions.

And he's pushing 250lbs...probably shouldn't be making fat jokes.

He's a loser.

How does one become a little rapey?


Engorged Member

I also love the Trump surrogates and Trump himself when they defend him from the allegations. The usual answer is "It didn't happen", but no contrary evidence is offered to refute the allegation(s). Pence wants Christians to practice forgiveness and vote for Trump, Giuliani, a serial philanderer himself, says just plain nutty crap, and Christie just sits up there and lies.

Maybe Trump and Bill Cosby can have adjoining cells.
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Well-Known Member
Trump knows he has lost the election, so the excuses have begun. His ego can't take the idea that he lost because he is a LOSER, so he'll go as low as he can to make it seem like the election was stolen from him.

What a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Trump is a big loser? Really?
Can you define "loser"?


Well-Known Member
Would you say someone who cheats on their wife is a loser?
I'll take that as a yes, you agree that Trump is a loser.

It depends on the situation of the relationship of why someone would cheat.
I don't know if trump cheated or not, even if he did I don't care and I am voting for him no matter what.


Für Meno :)
Hillary Clinton is a true loser.

Another reason I support trump is because it will keep her out of the white house
Well , don't take that stupid gamble "blackjack" !
Atleast Hillary does have experience.
Knows how to deal with Putin , the middle east and all world leaders.
She knows where Aleppo is. (Trump had no clue when asked)!
Clinton first job will probably fix Obamacare and get a free trade deal with the EU.
Then TIPP.
Trade is what the US needs.
Not tearing up trade agreements (NAFTA) like Trump has on his agenda.