trump 2016


Well-Known Member
I am voting for Donald Trump; I'm even more excited to vote because being that i live in PA and PA crucial for a victory. Although he can still win without PA


Für Meno :)
I am voting for Donald Trump; I'm even more excited to vote because being that i live in PA and PA crucial for a victory. Although he can still win without PA
Let me put it this way , Blacky :
If a fellow UPS worker , that is engaged and about to get married , told you that he as an UPS driver can grab women customers how he feel likes , etc (take Trump words) and he was running for shop steward , you would vote for him ?
Personally, my thoughts would be "What an idiot".
About to get married and talks this way !
No sympathy from me whatsoever!
I would name him a loser !

If your in love (and about to get married), that's not what a good normal guy would ever say !
Trump put a bad name on all men now , by saying it's locker room talk!


Well-Known Member
I am voting for Donald Trump; I'm even more excited to vote because being that i live in PA and PA crucial for a victory. Although he can still win without PA

It's already over. Trump would need to win every single 'battleground' state in order to have a chance.

Yes, he's a loser.

Now he's spinning it so his impending loss will be because the election was 'rigged', or 'stolen'.

LMFAO - maybe people just realize who you actually are, Donald.

Paranoid, sexist, racist, etc.


Für Meno :)
It's already over. Trump would need to win every single 'battleground' state in order to have a chance.

Yes, he's a loser.

Now he's spinning it so his impending loss will be because the election was 'rigged', or 'stolen'.

LMFAO - maybe people just realize who you actually are, Donald.

Paranoid, sexist, racist, etc.
Well, he lost firstly the Latino vote , moved on to lose the black vote , now the women's vote.
Who's left ?
Just a few rednecks !


Well-Known Member
It's already over. Trump would need to win every single 'battleground' state in order to have a chance.

Yes, he's a loser.

Now he's spinning it so his impending loss will be because the election was 'rigged', or 'stolen'.

LMFAO - maybe people just realize who you actually are, Donald.

Paranoid, sexist, racist, etc.

I wanted to remind you that we vote on November 8th.. No one has actually voted yet. Your talking as if the day is November 9, 2016.


Well-Known Member
It's already over. Trump would need to win every single 'battleground' state in order to have a chance.

Yes, he's a loser.

Now he's spinning it so his impending loss will be because the election was 'rigged', or 'stolen'.

LMFAO - maybe people just realize who you actually are, Donald.

Paranoid, sexist, racist, etc.

That is true in the sense the media has been bashing him from day 1 on mostly false information.

trump 2016

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
did you vote for obama?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Was this the best example of a BLACK supporter of Trump?

This guy is practically brain dead. ALL he did was REPEAT talking point and had no FACTS to back anything up. He is all RHETORIC...

*personal attack deleted*

He sounds like an 8th grade kid repeated his big brothers homework.

I especially liked the way he used the word RAPIST-ist

Ya, you showed us...


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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member


Resident Suit
Your crooked candidate Hillary Clinton once lauded the Trans-Pacific Partnership (which she later opposed) as setting the "gold standard" in trade agreements.

She may say she opposes it now but she says a lot of things and is a proven liar.

Neither trump or hillary are good candidates.. Haven't you been listening to your media? :w00t: Worst candidates EVER!

Johnson is for free trade and doesn't hide it or squirm around and poll-test everything.
Free trade is always an idiotic debate. Free trade stops wars. Period. We're a global economy now.