trump 2016


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Well-Known Member
trump came out with a video today saying how hes gonna withdraw from TPP on day 1.

but i honestly wouldnt be suprised if he started another bad trade deal


Strength through joy
Trump's off the record meeting with the heads of the news channels was either very cordial or he fired the lot depending on who's version of the meeting you wish to believe .


Well-Known Member
so you think your government can harm millions of people around the world, and theyre not gonna strike back?

Honestly I have always advocated a less intrusive US policy worldwide.

it does not however negate a few fine points as to our discussion.

in protesting the actions of my government.
you are posting on a ups message board in the US from Canada
a message board for UPSers of which you are not a member.
at best you are a tolerated guest here agitating us about our foreign policy

and when you speak to this specific group as I previously stated and you make the comparison that our government is the terrorist and you also diminish and or ignore the ISIS threat you forget the group you are speaking to .

The US government is not a threat to anyone on this UPS message board but ISIS does have the ability to threaten us and does so whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.

So a question I would ask again that you have not been able to answer is why are you on this board agitating people you clearly have nothing in common with. Are you lonely, desperate a UPS groupie?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
How many Trump voters think this way? Too many, obviously, but I may have been giving too much credit to others simply having different political views from myself. Has the Trump Party, the party that has swallowed the Republican party, truly a white supremacist party?
The majority of Trump supporters are not racists or chauvanists or homophobes.
But they are OK with a President who is.