trump 2016


Staff member
The majority of Clinton supporters are not crooks, liars, or cheaters, but would have been OK with a president who was.
Perhaps they viewed both as crooks and preferred the experienced crook over the racist, misogynist, inexperienced crook.


Well-Known Member
That's troubling in itself.

racists actions didn't bother you when it was Obama.
his race baiting has done more to bring the races at each others throat and motivated the shooting of police officers all which was fine?
His constantly inviting The master Racist Al Sharpton to the white house was fine.
His showcasing the mothers of hoodlums who attacked our police officers and committed felony battery and attepted murder was fine , certainly not troubling to you.

but suddenly we find troubling a president elect who recognizes that third world countries like Mexico like to save money by emptying out their jails and sending the convicts across our border. that recognition makes him a racist.

suddenly you find it troubling that our president elect recognizes that muslims tend to either engage in extremism in the name of their religion or tend to support in great numbers those who are willing to engage in terrorists against us the infidels. And those that don't appear to do either tend to remain very quiet when they either observe reportable odd behavior or when one of their kind engage in terrorist acts as part of some muslim honor code. When our president elect identifies this trend and speaks to blocking that threat until we find a much better way to screen them he is suddenly racist.

Then the president elect was labeled as a mysognist which I really find laughable since he was probably an innovator when it came to introducing women executives in a male dominated industry like construction.

Its the old liberal adage that its only racism when its a white republican doing it.


Staff member
racists actions didn't bother you when it was Obama.
his race baiting has done more to bring the races at each others throat and motivated the shooting of police officers all which was fine?
His constantly inviting The master Racist Al Sharpton to the white house was fine.
His showcasing the mothers of hoodlums who attacked our police officers and committed felony battery and attepted murder was fine , certainly not troubling to you.

but suddenly we find troubling a president elect who recognizes that third world countries like Mexico like to save money by emptying out their jails and sending the convicts across our border. that recognition makes him a racist.

suddenly you find it troubling that our president elect recognizes that muslims tend to either engage in extremism in the name of their religion or tend to support in great numbers those who are willing to engage in terrorists against us the infidels. And those that don't appear to do either tend to remain very quiet when they either observe reportable odd behavior or when one of their kind engage in terrorist acts as part of some muslim honor code. When our president elect identifies this trend and speaks to blocking that threat until we find a much better way to screen them he is suddenly racist.

Then the president elect was labeled as a mysognist which I really find laughable since he was probably an innovator when it came to introducing women executives in a male dominated industry like construction.

Its the old liberal adage that its only racism when its a white republican doing it.
When white supremacists, skinheads, and neo-nazis are on the Trump bandwagon, yeah, it's a racist bandwagon. Not sure why that's hard for you to grasp.


Well-Known Member
When white supremacists, skinheads, and neo-nazis are on the Trump bandwagon, yeah, it's a racist bandwagon. Not sure why that's hard for you to grasp.

trying to figure what those BLM's , black panthers and other black supremist groups do different that make them acceptable.


Retired 23 years
I'm young enough to not be interested in an old used up prostitute from Slovenia.
I'm not surprised you think my libertarian viewpoints are "silly"... typical neocon garbage post.

I'd hit that used up Slovenian whore in a heartbeat-------------------------------if I wasn't happily married.


Nine Lives
Honestly I have always advocated a less intrusive US policy worldwide.

it does not however negate a few fine points as to our discussion.

in protesting the actions of my government.
you are posting on a ups message board in the US from Canada
a message board for UPSers of which you are not a member.
at best you are a tolerated guest here agitating us about our foreign policy

and when you speak to this specific group as I previously stated and you make the comparison that our government is the terrorist and you also diminish and or ignore the ISIS threat you forget the group you are speaking to .

The US government is not a threat to anyone on this UPS message board but ISIS does have the ability to threaten us and does so whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.

So a question I would ask again that you have not been able to answer is why are you on this board agitating people you clearly have nothing in common with. Are you lonely, desperate a UPS groupie?
He never bothers me ... I have him on Ignore.
I pretty much have him on ignore for the reasons you outlined.


Retired 23 years
The majority of Clinton supporters are not crooks, liars, or cheaters, but would have been OK with a president who was.

My sister-in-law has all but disowned me because I gave her a few jabs about Trump winning and sent her a few Facebook humorous posts. I told her from day one that I thought both Hilary and Donald were wackos but she assumed I was a Trump supporter. Its like she all of a sudden became a Clinton zombie and lost all her sense of humor. I hope she pulls out of her funk because normally she is fun to be around. Right now she belongs to the "he's not my President" crowd.


Well-Known Member
racists actions didn't bother you when it was Obama.
his race baiting has done more to bring the races at each others throat and motivated the shooting of police officers all which was fine?
His constantly inviting The master Racist Al Sharpton to the white house was fine.
His showcasing the mothers of hoodlums who attacked our police officers and committed felony battery and attepted murder was fine , certainly not troubling to you.

but suddenly we find troubling a president elect who recognizes that third world countries like Mexico like to save money by emptying out their jails and sending the convicts across our border. that recognition makes him a racist.

suddenly you find it troubling that our president elect recognizes that muslims tend to either engage in extremism in the name of their religion or tend to support in great numbers those who are willing to engage in terrorists against us the infidels. And those that don't appear to do either tend to remain very quiet when they either observe reportable odd behavior or when one of their kind engage in terrorist acts as part of some muslim honor code. When our president elect identifies this trend and speaks to blocking that threat until we find a much better way to screen them he is suddenly racist.

Then the president elect was labeled as a mysognist which I really find laughable since he was probably an innovator when it came to introducing women executives in a male dominated industry like construction.

Its the old liberal adage that its only racism when its a white republican doing it.

I would like to just address the bold words above, and ignore the rest of your ignorant ramblings.

Re: racist

You have no idea what the word even means. Ponder it for a while.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I have always advocated a less intrusive US policy worldwide.

it does not however negate a few fine points as to our discussion.

in protesting the actions of my government.
you are posting on a ups message board in the US from Canada
a message board for UPSers of which you are not a member.
at best you are a tolerated guest here agitating us about our foreign policy

and when you speak to this specific group as I previously stated and you make the comparison that our government is the terrorist and you also diminish and or ignore the ISIS threat you forget the group you are speaking to .

The US government is not a threat to anyone on this UPS message board but ISIS does have the ability to threaten us and does so whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.

So a question I would ask again that you have not been able to answer is why are you on this board agitating people you clearly have nothing in common with. Are you lonely, desperate a UPS groupie?
newf, i noticed youve done this before where you bring up my legitimacy of posting on this board (even though you already know) after we get down to what causes terrorist attacks in america. again for the record i worked for UPS and was fired as you know. if your going to ban me, then you should ban everyone who got fired. and while your at it, ban the retired guys.

but i dont think we should be banned.

the US government and western governments in general blowing up the world, is why ISIS is gaining support and more likely to cause blowback on american soil. simple as that. so if your serious about stopping ISIS then control your own government.

and its very likely your government is a major threat to you. they already spy on everything you do, and they have militarized the police.


Well-Known Member
and its very likely your government is a major threat to you. they already spy on everything you do, and they have militarized the police.

Not a threat to me. I'm documented in all that I do, and willing to conform the RULES if necessary. Life ain't that difficult.


Strength through joy
rickyb ,
You should be celebrating that anyone can survive long enough (30+ years ) at UPS to earn the right to retire .
And we retirees need to thank all of the people who got fired for your ( union ) contributions towards the Teamster Pension Funds. For you are the ones keeping the Fund solvent ; anyone who didn't stay long enough to be vested , your contributions went into the general funds from which our pensions are drawn .