trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Hitler thought the same of the ancestors of many of the inhabitants of Israel.
you could check out norm finkelstein or noam chomsky for more. chris hedges covered the israel occupation of palesitine, and abby martin has done some videos on it recently.

btw israel and america are rated most often as the 2 most dangerous countries world wide when asked by american polling companies to citizens of different countries.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i like how trump criticizes companies who are making use of the free market and capitalism by wanting to outsource the jobs to third world countries where they pay low wages. on a deeper level its a criticism of the system capitalism itself, but on the surface level you can definitely say the corporations are taking heat.

i think ultimately criticising corporations is not gonna make america great again, although its better than what hillary would have done. these corporations who outsource jobs and pay low wages like walmart are doing basically what you would expect them to do under this system.


Strength through joy
All he has to do is charge a tax on all remittances to Mexico , like Ok did .
Something like 30-40% of Meixco's GNP comes thru remittances.


Well-Known Member
please. you werent hurting after any of the previous republican presidents?

the trump admin is very swampy for the most part, not nearly enough to turn it around for america. hes probably gonna have a financial crisis on his hands and people might blame it on him and give him the boot. i could also see him in there for 8 years because the bar is so low. and he might use a nuke.

my bet is people are gonna be hurting worse 4 years from now than they are now.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Trump on border wall: Mexico will pay us back

Trump said in a tweet early Friday: "The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!" Mexico's president and other senior officials have repeatedly insisted that Mexico won't pay for a wall.

I guess we'll have to wait and see...


Staff member
Let's get the conspiracy theories going early.

If and when the Donald is assassinated, who did it? The CIA? RNC? Mexicans drug lords? Mexican government? DNC? Clintons? Russians?

Lone gunman...(subset Mike Pence)?