trump 2016


Engorged Member
no one will ever be a bigger crook then the Clinton you supported

Clinton is out of the picture. Trump won, so show us his taxes so we know he isn't a bigger crook. Why did he rush to dissolve the crooked Trump Foundation, and why can't we see his taxes or his businesses in Russia?

Stop whining about Clinton. Your boy needs to prove he's worthy of the job. Blowing Putin and getting Russian help to win don't count.


Well-Known Member
OK, Mr. "Where's Waldo" supporter. When TOS and I posted, it was never with the knowledge we have now of Russian hacking etc. Wait, and see what plays out in the next few months.

how do you speak to Russian hacking without speaking to the dishonest campaign that the hacking revealed?

Big Heavy Package Handler

Well-Known Member
OK, Mr. "Where's Waldo" supporter. When TOS and I posted, it was never with the knowledge we have now of Russian hacking etc. Wait, and see what plays out in the next few months.

MrFedEx... I have multiple questions for you, but since I am new to this forum I will ask this one first: why are you, a fed ex employee, on a UPS forum?

On a more serious note, why is it that you liberals tend to paint all Trump supporters the same way? I, personally, am a constitutional conservative and originally supported Rand Paul. Trump was my second choice because he is anti-establishment and that is what we need in this country right now. We have career politicians that have NEVER earned an honest dollar in their lives. Take Bernie Sanders for example, on welfare 'till he was 40 and then became a senator. That's the man you'd rather have run our country? Instead of someone who has actually generated some wealth for themselves, provided people jobs, and actually made society better? Bernie has done nothing noteworthy in his time as senator besides in 1998 when he voted for the Iraq Liberation Act. Good job, Bernie, you sent the United States one step closer to a pointless conflict that we NEVER had to get involved with.

Don't even get me started on Hillary. I don't have time to write about all the screwed up things she's done.

Last question, Mr. Perfect Liberal, are you in favor of Obamacare? Yay or nay.

A concerned citizen

Big Heavy Package Handler

Well-Known Member
That story about Russian hackers penetrating the nation’s electricity grid with a virus found in a Burlington, Vt., electric company laptop must be true since The Washington Post published it .
And everyone is aware that putting out fake news will only cause the publisher more pain when discovered ; lack of paying customers.

We all know that any story that fits these people's anti-Trump agenda are automatically true - regardless of whether it was vetted or not.


Engorged Member
how do you speak to Russian hacking without speaking to the dishonest campaign that the hacking revealed?

Get over Hillary already. She's done. We're talking about Trump, or have you already forgotten? You keep deflecting back to the campaign, which is over. We need to see his taxes.


Engorged Member
MrFedEx... I have multiple questions for you, but since I am new to this forum I will ask this one first: why are you, a fed ex employee, on a UPS forum?

On a more serious note, why is it that you liberals tend to paint all Trump supporters the same way? I, personally, am a constitutional conservative and originally supported Rand Paul. Trump was my second choice because he is anti-establishment and that is what we need in this country right now. We have career politicians that have NEVER earned an honest dollar in their lives. Take Bernie Sanders for example, on welfare 'till he was 40 and then became a senator. That's the man you'd rather have run our country? Instead of someone who has actually generated some wealth for themselves, provided people jobs, and actually made society better? Bernie has done nothing noteworthy in his time as senator besides in 1998 when he voted for the Iraq Liberation Act. Good job, Bernie, you sent the United States one step closer to a pointless conflict that we NEVER had to get involved with.

Don't even get me started on Hillary. I don't have time to write about all the screwed up things she's done.

Last question, Mr. Perfect Liberal, are you in favor of Obamacare? Yay or nay.

A concerned citizen

Donald Trump has never worked a real job in his life or had a boss. Yes, I'm in favor of Obamacare. Sanders was always a "no-go" because he is an avowed Socialist, an absolute deal killer, even for me.

The forums are open to everyone who is a member.


Well-Known Member
That story about Russian hackers penetrating the nation’s electricity grid with a virus found in a Burlington, Vt., electric company laptop must be true since The Washington Post published it .
And everyone is aware that putting out fake news will only cause the publisher more pain when discovered ; lack of paying customers.

all stories of Russian hacking reek of unbelievability

in story A- the libs want us to believe some form of state sponsored superior hacking took place when all it was, was a very simple classic phish to podesta that he was stupid enough to respond to.

in the Vermont case again some superior state sponsored hack of a tiny utility with a very common form of malware that any 10 cent hacker could produce and only plant on that laptop if they had little to no virus detection.

no denial of service attack, no superior shellacking of multiple layers of security nothing that indicates the reach and ability of a state sponsored hacker. instead simple basic cyber security should have prevented both.


Inordinately Right
all stories of Russian hacking reek of unbelievability

in story A- the libs want us to believe some form of state sponsored superior hacking took place when all it was, was a very simple classic phish to podesta that he was stupid enough to respond to.

in the Vermont case again some superior state sponsored hack of a tiny utility with a very common form of malware that any 10 cent hacker could produce and only plant on that laptop if they had little to no virus detection.

no denial of service attack, no superior shellacking of multiple layers of security nothing that indicates the reach and ability of a state sponsored hacker. instead simple basic cyber security should have prevented both.
So you don't believe it was Russia because it was too easy? Great logic champ.


Well-Known Member
If the Russians actually did some hacking... So what. They hack, we hack it is nothing new..

In fact exposing those emails leveled the playing field and showed what a crook H is. :teethy:
No, the email hack did nothing of the sort. It showed mundane political maneuvering. There was no any evidence of anything illegal that Clinto did. For the playing field to be leveled, we would have had to seen the inner workings of the RNC and the Trump campaign. That did not happen.

What do you suppose the Russians have on Trump? My guess is sex and money.

You seem to be putting willful ignorance on display, I don't believe you are that dumb ;)


Well-Known Member
No, the email hack did nothing of the sort. It showed mundane political maneuvering. There was no any evidence of anything illegal that Clinto did. For the playing field to be leveled, we would have had to seen the inner workings of the RNC and the Trump campaign. That did not happen.

What do you suppose the Russians have on Trump? My guess is sex and money.

You seem to be putting willful ignorance on display, I don't believe you are that dumb ;)
Maybe it exposed lies and unethical doings to the voters.


Well-Known Member
Get over Hillary already. She's done. We're talking about Trump, or have you already forgotten? You keep deflecting back to the campaign, which is over. We need to see his taxes.

I've asked the question that you in turn deflect. how do we speak about Russian hacking and not the rigged democratic election it revealed?


Strength through joy
Get over Hillary already. She's done. We're talking about Trump, or have you already forgotten? You keep deflecting back to the campaign, which is over. We need to see his taxes.
Hillary will rise again .
So look for her in 2020 , because it's her turn, again.