MrFedEx... I have multiple questions for you, but since I am new to this forum I will ask this one first: why are you, a fed ex employee, on a UPS forum?
On a more serious note, why is it that you liberals tend to paint all Trump supporters the same way? I, personally, am a constitutional conservative and originally supported Rand Paul. Trump was my second choice because he is anti-establishment and that is what we need in this country right now. We have career politicians that have NEVER earned an honest dollar in their lives. Take Bernie Sanders for example, on welfare 'till he was 40 and then became a senator. That's the man you'd rather have run our country? Instead of someone who has actually generated some wealth for themselves, provided people jobs, and actually made society better? Bernie has done nothing noteworthy in his time as senator besides in 1998 when he voted for the Iraq Liberation Act. Good job, Bernie, you sent the United States one step closer to a pointless conflict that we NEVER had to get involved with.
Don't even get me started on Hillary. I don't have time to write about all the screwed up things she's done.
Last question, Mr. Perfect Liberal, are you in favor of Obamacare? Yay or nay.
A concerned citizen