trump 2016


Inordinately Right
Accord to the tv show , Oak Island .
The Knights Templar may have settled on this continent as far back as the 1200's .
As rock carvings around Halifax,N.S. suggest .
I think their next show , a roman artifact is found . Possibly meaning that the Romans maybe the Indians forefathers . Most likely meaning that a roman ship(s) wrecked upon these shores .


Well-Known Member
So, not a history buff?

Are the liberal history books now selling the fairy tale of Indians planting corn and hugging tree's and being victimized by the white man?

the fact is they were victimizing each other long before whitey showed up. If you really read your history books like you claim then you would know that all races and all nationalities were victimizing each other during those times. Heck the Spanish much more so then the white European.
the difference is the white Europeans and the Spaniards came out on top due to superior weaponery and superior military tactics.
the other part of that history you and your liberal pity partiers fail to recognize is those same native americans also fought on our side.
pick up a history book before you attempt to lecture me on history.


Well-Known Member
Are the liberal history books now selling the fairy tale of Indians planting corn and hugging tree's and being victimized by the white man?

the fact is they were victimizing each other long before whitey showed up. If you really read your history books like you claim then you would know that all races and all nationalities were victimizing each other during those times. Heck the Spanish much more so then the white European.
the difference is the white Europeans and the Spaniards came out on top due to superior weaponery and superior military tactics.
the other part of that history you and your liberal pity partiers fail to recognize is those same native americans also fought on our side.
pick up a history book before you attempt to lecture me on history.

I thought we were talking about Vikings.


Strength through joy
” All Presidents born before July 4, 1776, were born British “natural born subjects.”
Neither Arthur nor Obama were “natural born Citizens” at the time of birth.
Arthur was born to an alien father who also made his U.S. citizen mother an alien.
Obama was born to a non-U.S. citizen father who never became a U.S. citizen and, being here only on a temporary student visa, was never even an immigrant.
President James Buchanan, who had an Irish father, Woodrow Wilson, who had an English mother, and Herbert Hoover, who had a Canadian mother, were “natural born Citizens.”
President Thomas Jefferson, whose mother was born in England, and Andrew Jackson, whose parents were both born in Ireland, were grandfathered to be eligible to be President.
Chester Arthur , who burnt all of his personal records just prior to his death , had for years lied about his birth . At the time of birth his father was an 18 yrs old Irishman and not a citizen until Chester was 15 .

The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens.


Well-Known Member
” All Presidents born before July 4, 1776, were born British “natural born subjects.”
Neither Arthur nor Obama were “natural born Citizens” at the time of birth.
Arthur was born to an alien father who also made his U.S. citizen mother an alien.
Obama was born to a non-U.S. citizen father who never became a U.S. citizen and, being here only on a temporary student visa, was never even an immigrant.
President James Buchanan, who had an Irish father, Woodrow Wilson, who had an English mother, and Herbert Hoover, who had a Canadian mother, were “natural born Citizens.”
President Thomas Jefferson, whose mother was born in England, and Andrew Jackson, whose parents were both born in Ireland, were grandfathered to be eligible to be President.
Chester Arthur , who burnt all of his personal records just prior to his death , had for years lied about his birth . At the time of birth his father was an 18 yrs old Irishman and not a citizen until Chester was 15 .

The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens.
Natural born is a vague term but the important point was a naturalized citizen couldn't become President.


it doesnt matter anyways i dont think anyone will beat trump.

but if cruz did, i would imagine the establishment would let him become president and overlook the constitution. its just a piece of paper.


nowhere special

it doesnt matter anyways i dont think anyone will beat trump.

but if cruz did, i would imagine the establishment would let him become president and overlook the constitution. its just a piece of paper.

Most experts agree that Cruz would be eligible but it wouldn't be certain until decided in courts.


Well-Known Member
If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated?

You’d be wrong.

In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter supports Trump—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism.

That’s right, Trump’s electoral strength—and his staying power—have been buoyed, above all, by Americans with authoritarian inclinations. And because of the prevalence of authoritarians in the American electorate, among Democrats as well as Republicans, it’s very possible that Trump’s fan base will continue to grow.

The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter


Well-Known Member
So what happens if the GOP nominee is Trump and democrat voters jump ship to support Trump as opposed to the Democrat nominee?

Impossible you say?

Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans.

Trump Could Win It All
A new survey shows a sizable number of Democrats ready to defect from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.

Poor TOSsee! ;)