trump 2016


Engorged Member
I thought we were talking about Vikings.

If there's ever a chance to throw non-whites under the bus, the usual suspects here are going to take it. Don't you understand that Manifest Destiny (they don't even know what it is) was a huge favor to Native Americans?

Rush Limbaugh has explained all of this away with his American Exceptionalism crap, which justifies everything we did to minorities on our journey to "greatness'. The low IQ crowd eats it up like candy.


Well-Known Member
HOLLIS, N.H. (AP) — After months of predicting a comeback for their preferred candidates, Republican establishment leaders now concede the first two contests of the presidential race, in Iowa and New Hampshire early next month, are Donald Trump's and Ted Cruz's to lose.

That leaves many GOP traditionalists, who fear each candidate would be a disaster in the November general election, pinning their White House hopes on a feat no Republican has pulled off in modern political history: securing the nomination without winning at least one of the first two states on the calendar.

GOP establishment loses hope of winning Iowa, New Hampshire


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If there's ever a chance to throw non-whites under the bus, the usual suspects here are going to take it. Don't you understand that Manifest Destiny (they don't even know what it is) was a huge favor to Native Americans?

Rush Limbaugh has explained all of this away with his American Exceptionalism crap, which justifies everything we did to minorities on our journey to "greatness'. The low IQ crowd eats it up like candy.
By throwing non-whites under the bus, do you mean not giving minorities special privileges?

Becuase you didn't explain your reasoning.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So what happens if the GOP nominee is Trump and democrat voters jump ship to support Trump as opposed to the Democrat nominee?

Impossible you say?

Trump Could Win It All
A new survey shows a sizable number of Democrats ready to defect from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.

Poor TOSsee! ;)

Did you read this article at all beyond the headline? I doubt it. This from your own article.

"Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

of the 900 something that were polled in this survey, 20% of democratic responders said they would switch and vote for Trump, however, 14% of republicans said they would switch and vote for Hillary.

Do the math genious.

Thats only a plus +6 for Trump and HARDLY enough to win the presidency.

In the same polls, they found that 65% of voters said Trump would be a disaster if elected president.

Try looking at the actual polls you goof.



Staff member
So what happens if the GOP nominee is Trump and democrat voters jump ship to support Trump as opposed to the Democrat nominee?

Impossible you say?

Trump Could Win It All
A new survey shows a sizable number of Democrats ready to defect from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.

Poor TOSsee! ;)
I think that changes on the debate stage when Clinton has command of the issues and Trump is reduced to his one line answers that by that time will be 18 months old.


Inordinately Right
I think that changes on the debate stage when Clinton has command of the issues and Trump is reduced to his one line answers that by that time will be 18 months old.
Wouldn't count those chickens quite yet, Sanders will play a big part in this election before all is said and done. And BTW, I've seen polls that show Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wouldn't count those chickens quite yet, Sanders will play a big part in this election before all is said and done. And BTW, I've seen polls that show Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does.

Look for Bernie Sanders to be the Vice President when this is all said and done. While he is attracking younger voters and a good part of the liberal base, he is too old to win a general.

As a VP, the country would overwhelmingly elect the democratic party as well as make a change of leadership in the house.



Staff member
Wouldn't count those chickens quite yet, Sanders will play a big part in this election before all is said and done. And BTW, I've seen polls that show Sanders does better against Trump than Clinton does.
Sanders or Clinton...either one same effect as far as Democrats heading to Trump.


Well-Known Member
Did you read this article at all beyond the headline? I doubt it. This from your own article.

"Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

of the 900 something that were polled in this survey, 20% of democratic responders said they would switch and vote for Trump, however, 14% of republicans said they would switch and vote for Hillary.

Do the math genious.

Thats only a plus +6 for Trump and HARDLY enough to win the presidency.

In the same polls, they found that 65% of voters said Trump would be a disaster if elected president.

Try looking at the actual polls you goof.


poor tosie suffering a bout with reality

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
poor tosie suffering a bout with reality

I explained Reality. You and wk just dont get it.

Maybe math escapes you as well..

20% of likely dems minus
14% of likely repubs
____ equals...

There will be crossovers from the GOP as well who will vote democratic nationwide if Trump is your nominee.

You can count on that.



Well-Known Member
Did you read this article at all beyond the headline? I doubt it. This from your own article.

"Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they'd cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they'd vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are "100 percent sure" of switching than the Republicans."

of the 900 something that were polled in this survey, 20% of democratic responders said they would switch and vote for Trump, however, 14% of republicans said they would switch and vote for Hillary.

Do the math genious.

Thats only a plus +6 for Trump and HARDLY enough to win the presidency.

In the same polls, they found that 65% of voters said Trump would be a disaster if elected president.

Try looking at the actual polls you goof.


You actually quoted the very part in the piece as to why I posted it. You've been spouting off that NO DEMOCRAT would vote for Trump, only moronic republicans.

If I'm guilty of not reading the article, you're guilty of not reading what you post!

Should I expect a "No True Scotsman" fallacy in 3, 2, 1...........


Well-Known Member
I think that changes on the debate stage when Clinton has command of the issues and Trump is reduced to his one line answers that by that time will be 18 months old.

Maybe. I did see some polls a few months back that if the general election is between Trump and Clinton, neither one gets a majority and may even struggle getting to 40%. The 3rd party and independent efforts may make the 2016' election rather interesting to watch. I'd like to see the 3rd party and independent candidates take up about 30% of the total votes. The effect would be nothing short of a symbolic Nuke Strike on Washington DC and I'd enjoy watching the fear and panic even before the mushroom cloud begin to dissipate. I think the radioactive fallout on US electoral politics would instead be healthy.

Regardless of anything else, the one thing a Trump vs. Clinton election will in fact do is put more votes in the pocket of this guy.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe. I did see some polls a few months back that if the general election is between Trump and Clinton, neither one gets a majority and may even struggle getting to 40%. The 3rd party and independent efforts may make the 2016' election rather interesting to watch. I'd like to see the 3rd party and independent candidates take up about 30% of the total votes. The effect would be nothing short of a symbolic Nuke Strike on Washington DC and I'd enjoy watching the fear and panic even before the mushroom cloud begin to dissipate. I think the radioactive fallout on US electoral politics would instead be healthy.

Regardless of anything else, the one thing a Trump vs. Clinton election will in fact do is put more votes in the pocket of this guy.

ITs too late for a third party candidate to register in most states. Dont look for that possibility to happen.



Well-Known Member
ITs too late for a third party candidate to register in most states. Dont look for that possibility to happen.


Just do us both a big favor, keep pounding the pavement for Hillary and bait the republicans to nominate Trump. Regardless who wins, more Americans will become disgusted and just walk away. The whole thing is already rotten to its core and the more dead weight we pile on the quicker the whole rotten structure comes crashing down.

In 2015' reality among the masses began to set in as they watched a Republican Congress and a Democrat White House collude together as they and their fat cat friends got fatter.