trump 2016


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Yes!! Don't blame yourself, blame Obama. Now, if you just get a frontal lobotomy, you can join the conservative team.
It's time to go over the rules again.

Rule 1: Everything sucks and it's all Obama's fault.
Rule 2: If something doesn't suck and/or can not possibly be blamed on Obama? See rule 1 and make crap up.


Engorged Member
The boy has a father.

She didn't leave him "ALONE".

BUT look at you liberals jumpING to conclusions to paint the Palin family as bad as you can.

How very kind of you all.........NOT.

You have concluded it's PTSD, which would be very convenient for the Palins and the Right. Maybe he's just a spoiled rich kid who got drunk and pissed when the wife wouldn't put out.

That's also Obama's fault.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
The boy has a father.

She didn't leave him "ALONE".

BUT look at you liberals jumpING to conclusions to paint the Palin family as bad as you can.

How very kind of you all.........NOT.
OK brownie, so tell us how Pres. Obama is responsible for Bristol palin getting pregnant.She was pure as the driven snow until Obama became president.Twice, getting pregnant twice/.......


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
The boy has a father.

She didn't leave him "ALONE".

BUT look at you liberals jumpING to conclusions to paint the Palin family as bad as you can.

How very kind of you all.........NOT.
Drunken family brawl, promiscuous daughter and violent son.

It's easier blaming others than admitting you're just an incredibly crappy parent.And she is in the party of "Personal responsibility".Of course the party of personal responsibility would find someone else to blame. It couldn't be his own fault. What a joke........It's too bad that Track's girlfriend didn't have a gun to protect herself from the bad guy with a gun.
Funny how Palin takes no responsibility for how her eldest son and eldest daughter have turned out. No siree, no responsibility at all.

And yet she preaches to other populations to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, yada, yada, yada. And railing against our model First Family. Hypocrisy in ten mile high letters.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
OK brownie, so tell us how Pres. Obama is responsible for Bristol palin getting pregnant.She was pure as the driven snow until Obama became president.Twice, getting pregnant twice/.......
Why should I tell you about something I have never said?

Why do you keep bringing up stupid hypothetical questions that have nothing to do with any real topic, other than to try and smear a political enemy?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You have concluded it's PTSD, which would be very convenient for the Palins and the Right. Maybe he's just a spoiled rich kid who got drunk and :censored2: when the wife wouldn't put out.

That's also Obama's fault.
Maybe if you had a brain, I would be the Wizard.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
A wealthy Republican family with political connections has a son with PTSD and is waiting for the big, bad, bloated, bureaucratic, control every aspect of your life, deep in debt federal government to handle his problems.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so ironically tragic.
You mean a soldier is waiting for treatment front the VA?

How shameful of the Palins.....NOT

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
But it is usually only conservatives or Republican's kids that join the military and serve our nation.

In the old days (40 years ago and more) it was both Democrats and Republicans serving in the military.

When I was in the army, I would say 90% or more were conservative.

In WWII, it was the REPUBLICANS who didnt want to fight a world war and opposed war. It was the democrats prior to Ronald Reagan who were the war hawks of the time and that includes Vietnam. In fact, the republicans voted in congress to oppose getting involved with WWII.

Roosevelt called those republicans who opposed intervention in Europe "the cheerful idiots".

Conservatives only became war hawks after Ronald Reagan took office.

The idea that conservatives have always defended this country is laughable at best.

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I don’t work at UPS anymore.
A wealthy Republican family with political connections has a son with PTSD and is waiting for the big, bad, bloated, bureaucratic, control every aspect of your life, deep in debt federal government to handle his problems.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so ironically tragic.

Maybe the "PTSD" will really take hold and he can save everybody a bunch of time and money by just offing himself.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I heard Dubya was AWOL a lot and that he spent a lot of time drunk in the barracks. It helps to have a powerful Daddy to pull strings for you. A pilot? Give me a freaking break. I wouldn't trust George with a balsa wood glider kit from the drug store.
Even if what you are saying is true (it's not), at least he served, unlike you.


Strength through joy
I'm amazed how so many liberals on this thread have posted and approved of others who have posted the thought that suicide by gun of a Palin family member would be ok .
Yet these same posters demand that my firearms are a danger to me & my family .


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i said this before, but i heard trump say something like "we have nukes and im not afraid to use them" and i find that appalling. id like to know how you can support someone like that?


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I'm amazed how so many liberals on this thread have posted and approved of others who have posted the thought that suicide by gun of a Palin family member would be ok .
Yet these same posters demand that my firearms are a danger to me & my family .

Not true if you're referring to me. I'm a pro-2nd amendment gun owner. Also, not really a "liberal"


Strength through joy
rickyb , you are still young and do not understand a simple fact of many other cultures .
These other cultures respect a leader who is strong . They dislike a leader who shows weakness .
As President T Roosevelt used to say walk softly, but carry a big stick .