trump 2016


Well-Known Member
Instead of rushing home to take care of her poor PTSD son she stays in Iowa to suck up to the Donald.

Her saying that her son has PTSD is a slap in the face of those men and women who were in combat over in Bush's Wars. He drove Colonels and Generals around and most certainly never saw combat. Leave it to Palin to play up her sons service to make points with the rubes.Remind me, Are the republicans still the party of "personal responsibility"?

You should never disparage an honorable combat veterans service. I expect this kind of stupidity from fdx but it seems to be a low blow for you?

"Track Palin, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's son, missed most of his mother's 2008 campaign. He had been serving in Iraq for about a year when she was nominated as John McCain's running mate, and by the time Election Day rolled around, he was an air guard in the "Arctic Wolves," the Army's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Two years later, he was discharged."



Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
that's the same attitude Obama has about our veterans in general. thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Newfly is absolutely right! The GOTP promised in '08 to be against EVERYTHING that Obama proposed. Remember? So what does Obama do? Proposed increases in treatment for returning vets. He really gave the GOTP no choice. So IS Obama's fault. Had he just come out AGAINST better healthcare for veterans then Tripp wouldn't have beat up his girlfriend. See? It's all so simple.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You should never disparage an honorable combat veterans service. I expect this kind of stupidity from fdx but it seems to be a low blow for you?

"Track Palin, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's son, missed most of his mother's 2008 campaign. He had been serving in Iraq for about a year when she was nominated as John McCain's running mate, and by the time Election Day rolled around, he was an air guard in the "Arctic Wolves," the Army's 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Two years later, he was discharged."

Palins SON was NEVER honorable. He had been in trouble most of his teenaged life, and he was FORCED to join the Army because of his constant drug use as a civilian and PALIN had a choice, put her son in jail or make him join the military.

His history of drug use goes way back to high school.

This KID has been in trouble and its SARAH PALINS fault for NOT seeking professional advice/help for this maroon long before he became a problem for society. His wife divorced him for the same reasons, now he beats up his girlfriend and threatens her and himself with an AR15.

His military service was a year long and he NEVER saw battle.

Maybe you think he got PTSD sitting in the rear with the gear.

It matters not, he is an embarrassment to REAL soldiers who are suffering with PTSD and not rich white priviledge.

This Tard is fair game now that PALIN re-introduced herself into politics, just like MORELOCKS thread on chelsea clinton.

You people are such hypocrites. You want to bang on Chelsea Clinton, who is a college graduate, a mother, a wife and an honorable citizen of society, but then get all butthurt when one of your own pieces of WHITE TRASH makes the news cycles.

If its fair to dedicate a thread to chelsea clinton, then by all fairness, its fair to start one on Trak Palin, showing ALL his troubles growing up a PALIN...aka white trash.

As I said before, I only wished he used that gun on himself and (palin) family in a demonstration of his second amendment rights to be an idiot.



Well-Known Member
So what does Obama do? Proposed increases in treatment for returning vets. So IS Obama's fault. .

the point that he says he was for better health care for veterans and then instead delivered the worst health care our vets have ever seen is in fact representative of his presidency.

the man in charge > The buck stops here?<


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
the point that he says he was for better health care for veterans and then instead delivered the worst health care our vets have ever seen is in fact representative of his presidency.

the man in charge > The buck stops here?<
Remind me again which party it is that again and again votes against providing funding for the VA? It's the Republicans.......So tell me,Newfly, which president was it that threw them in the meat grinder and left them there for years and years, first in the spirit of, "well, I have to make a token effort to go after Al-Queda before I can start the war I really want, and then in pursuit of his plainly delusional policy that was doomed from the outset, with an extra helping of "as long as Americans are killing and blowing stuff up, all the worthless, cowardly failures that make up my party, including me, can pretend we're men?"
Here's a hint: his middle initial was W, not H.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Palins SON was NEVER honorable. He had been in trouble most of his teenaged life, and he was FORCED to join the Army because of his constant drug use as a civilian and PALIN had a choice, put her son in jail or make him join the military.

His history of drug use goes way back to high school.

This KID has been in trouble and its SARAH PALINS fault for NOT seeking professional advice/help for this maroon long before he became a problem for society. His wife divorced him for the same reasons, now he beats up his girlfriend and threatens her and himself with an AR15.

His military service was a year long and he NEVER saw battle.

Maybe you think he got PTSD sitting in the rear with the gear.

It matters not, he is an embarrassment to REAL soldiers who are suffering with PTSD and not rich white priviledge.

This Tard is fair game now that PALIN re-introduced herself into politics, just like MORELOCKS thread on chelsea clinton.

You people are such hypocrites. You want to bang on Chelsea Clinton, who is a college graduate, a mother, a wife and an honorable citizen of society, but then get all butthurt when one of your own pieces of WHITE TRASH makes the news cycles.

If its fair to dedicate a thread to chelsea clinton, then by all fairness, its fair to start one on Trak Palin, showing ALL his troubles growing up a PALIN...aka white trash.

As I said before, I only wished he used that gun on himself and (palin) family in a demonstration of his second amendment rights to be an idiot.

Track had to join the Army to avoid going to prison for crimes he committed. He was screwed up before joining the Army. He's still screwed up.
But it's Obama's fault, so Sarah's spawn needn't worry about his responsibility.Like the rest of the family, he has problems with alcohol, and perhaps drug abuse, and impulse control. That's not PTSD.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
the point that he says he was for better health care for veterans and then instead delivered the worst health care our vets have ever seen is in fact representative of his presidency.

the man in charge > The buck stops here?<


Well-Known Member
Palins SON was NEVER honorable. He had been in trouble most of his teenaged life, and he was FORCED to join the Army because of his constant drug use as a civilian and PALIN had a choice, put her son in jail or make him join the military

which wars did you serve in that allow you to disparage his service?


Well-Known Member
Track had to join the Army to avoid going to prison for crimes he committed. .

you're quoting Mercedes Johnson to make that argument? Grasping for straws to make your message board argument

Even if you want to go up that tree all you are doing is making Sarah Palin look better. A strong parent making her straying son join the military to get on the right track is a very positive action by her.
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