trump 2016


Well-Known Member
rickyb , you are still young and do not understand a simple fact of many other cultures .
These other cultures respect a leader who is strong . They dislike a leader who shows weakness .
As President T Roosevelt used to say walk softly, but carry a big stick .
so hes lying?

you'd be stronger if you didnt nuke another country LOL


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It's time to go over the rules again.

Rule 1: Everything sucks and it's all Obama's fault.
Rule 2: If something doesn't suck and/or can not possibly be blamed on Obama? See rule 1 and make crap up.
Mixing up Bush and Obama again.

Happens a lot with you liberals.

Faulty memories or ethics.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
i dont know if i said this before, but i heard trump say something like "we have nukes and im not afraid to use them" and i find that appalling. id like to know how you can support someone like that?
You are lying.

If Trump said that, it would be on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and Fox 24/7.

Do you have a video or audio of Trump saying this?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
In WWII, it was the REPUBLICANS who didnt want to fight a world war and opposed war. It was the democrats prior to Ronald Reagan who were the war hawks of the time and that includes Vietnam. In fact, the republicans voted in congress to oppose getting involved with WWII.

Roosevelt called those republicans who opposed intervention in Europe "the cheerful idiots".

Conservatives only became war hawks after Ronald Reagan took office.

The idea that conservatives have always defended this country is laughable at best.


Only 1 person in Congress voted against the war, and I don't believe she was a Reublican.

Can't you make 1 post without lying?


Well-Known Member
Suppose you and I lived next door to each other and we didn't like one another.

Suppose I were 6'3", 250 lbs, while you were 5'8", 160 lbs.

I would be bargaining from a position of power if we were to ever get in to a disagreement.

The US has nukes for a reason.
have other presidential candidates in the past talked about using nukes the way trump has?


Well-Known Member
im just asking refering to nukes? the candidates from the past, do they readily say they will use them like trump?

There have been candidates in the past who have made veiled references to our nuclear capability but none have been as open about using them as Trump.

I have to admit that I like his "we will bomb the :censored2: out of them".


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Notice not one word of sympathy or support for the terrorized young woman. How typical of republicans in general.
You think she is the only wife of a soldier returning from combat to go through this?

But not word of sympathy for 1 of our struggling soldiers.

Don't think that, or the fact that you did not serve, went unnoticed.


Well-Known Member
You are lying.

If Trump said that, it would be on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and Fox 24/7.

Do you have a video or audio of Trump saying this?
i dont lie.

i heard it after 3:30 in this video with rand paul and steven colbert

trump is too insensitive to be prez. i think hes worse than bush in terms of war. if you have no problem using a nuke, then theres something wrong with you. it'd be interesting to see what wkmac thinks about it.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
3:59. but maybe rand paul is lying and trump didnt say that. trump isnt exactly the sensitive type, so if he did say that it wouldnt suprise me
That video never used the words that you attributed to Trump.

You slanted the story to fit your idea of how things are.

But you are a liberal, so it is to be expected from you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Only 1 person in Congress voted against the war, and I don't believe she was a Reublican.

Can't you make 1 post without lying?

You are talking about a FINAL vote, and NOT the debate between Roosevelt and the democrats and the what was called "THEN" ..."ISOLATIONISTS"


Many of those opposed to entering WWII included top republicans and even Charles Lindberg as well as GRANDPA BUSH.

William E. Borah (1865-1940)
Senator William E. Borah was a major force in American politics for most of the first half of the 20th century. He was a progressive in domestic legislation, but a staunch isolationist in foreign affairs. Borah had entered the Senate from Idaho as a pro-Roosevelt progressive Republican (1907). He became known as the "Lion of Idaho". He had voted to enter World War I, but became one of the "irreconcilables" after the War in the fight with President Wilson over the League of Nations. Some Republican senators might have supported the League with reservations. The "irreconcilables", however, were adamantly opposed to the League in any form. They helped defeat Wilson's League of Nations. For unexplained reasons, Borah considered himself an expert on foreign relations. He had no acacademic or personal experience in foreign affairs. Nor had he ever been outide the United States. He took an essentially moral approach to foreign policy. Borah in the 1920s was extremely influential as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. From this influential post he supported the Washington Naval Conference which attempted to limit naval construction and the Kellogg-Briand Pact. He supported Herbert Hoover for president (1928), but with the Depression became critical. He voted for much New Deal domestic reform legislation but became adamantly opposed to Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy when he began to oppose Hitler and the NAZIs. He was the ranking Republican member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committe during the 1930s when the Democrats recaptured the Senate. Borah attempted to get the Republican presidential nomination in 1936. He was, however, a powerful voice for the isolationists as President Roosevelt worked to alert Americans to the dangsers posed by the NAZIS and Japanese militarists. He died in 1940. Borah was a good and decent man who was ill prepared to direct foreign policy. From his influential Senate post he advocated policies that placed America in mortal danger.

Theodore Bilbo (1877-1947)
Theodore Gilmore Bilbo taught school for a few yeas in Mississippi. He became a lawyer and elected to the Mississippi legislature (1908). He served as lieutenant governor and governor before being elected to the Senate (1934). He was reelected in 1940 and 1946. He admired Huey Long and told voters that he intended to "raise hell with the money lords, the privileged few, the men who hold 90 per cent of the wealth of the nation." He was, however, a strong opponent od civil rights for blacks. Bilbo supported New Deal legislation, but joined with the isolationists. Bilbo's racism was extreme even for the America of the 1930s. He inroduced bills to fund the deportation of black Americans to Liberia. The Republican controlled Congrss refused to seat him (1947).

Charles Beard (1874-1948)
One of the most respected American historians of his age was Charles Beard. He has been described as a "progressive" historian and emphasized economic facrors. He stimulated a major reassessmenent of the founding fathers. He published profusely and his work had a major impacr on school textbooks. He was at first a prominant liberal supporter of President Roosevelt and the New Deal. He broke with the President as he began to take a more assertive position in foreign affairs. Beard argued for "American Continentalism". He insisted that America had no vital national interests in Europe. And he believed that American involvement in another European war could give rise to dictatorship at home. Beard was thus one of the most important academic spokesmen opposing American interventionism. Unlike many liberals, Beard's opinions did not shift as the dangers from Germany and Japan and then the Soviet Union became apparent. He wrote a book after the war (President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War (1948). He charged that President Roosevelt lied and tricked America into the war. It was not well received. American and liberal opinion had shifted as a result of the War. The book was viewed as an apologist for isolationism and attempt to justify his support of isolationism before the War. Most historians saw how close the American and Western democracy has come to disaster and the critical role President Roosevelt had played in the Allied victory. Beard's once formidable reputation was destroyed.

You better do a better job of research. This is only the tip of the iceberg in naming the "ISOLATIONIST" republicans on capitol hill that opposed involvement in WWII
