trump 2016


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yep, didn't serve. Go ahead and keep appealing to the fact that you served. I don't respect the service of somebody that uses it as a trump card in an argument. You're nobody to me.

9/11? We'd need a whole 'nother thread and I'm sure this site has been around long enough for that.

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi. Do you hold Bush to the same standard for 3,000 dead Americans that actually happened on our own soil?
I do not hold Bush accountable for the attacks on 9/11.

I hold Muslim radicals responsible.

Just like I don't hold Roosevelt accountable for Pearl Harbor.

I hold the Japanese responsible.

And as for Benghazi, radical muslims were responsible for the attack, Obama and Hillary were responsible for never sending help.

Your see, if you actually trained to fight a war in our military, maybe you would learn to blame those actually responsible for attacking us, and those that leave our troops behind to die, when the military is standing by waiting for orders to go help.

But you would know NOTHING about that, HAVING NEVER SERVED.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
I do not hold Bush accountable for the attacks on 9/11.

I hold Muslim radicals responsible.

Just like I don't hold Roosevelt accountable for Pearl Harbor.

I hold the Japanese responsible.

And as for Benghazi, radical muslims were responsible for the attack, Obama and Hillary were responsible for never sending help.

Your see, if you actually trained to fight a war in our military, maybe you would learn to blame those actually responsible for attacking us, and those that leave our troops behind to die, when the military is standing by waiting for orders to go help.

But you would know NOTHING about that, HAVING NEVER SERVED.

Your appeals to serving hold zero weight with me. ZERO. Fallacious argument and you're smart enough to know it but you don't care.

Bush is not accountable for 9/11, but Obama and Hillary are responsible for Benghazi? How convenient.

And if we're getting into 9/ WTC7 perfectly kink and fold on top of itself. I'll leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Your appeals to serving hold zero weight with me. ZERO. Fallacious argument and you're smart enough to know it but you don't care.

Bush is not accountable for 9/11, but Obama and Hillary are responsible for Benghazi? How convenient.

And if we're getting into 9/ WTC7 perfectly kink and fold on top of itself. I'll leave it at that.

You're oscillating , stay focused. Obama did send someone else's kids to war , many times.


Well-Known Member
Increase the VA budget.

Who has ever done anything for veterans but a lot of bull:censored2: tough talk? Your republicans are full of :censored2:.

At least he didn't send a bunch of other people's kids to fight and die for a total :censored2:ing lie. Anybody want to blame that guy? Of course not.

here again was your quote , where you tried to deny Obama sent other peoples kids to fight and die