Because we'll lose everything immediately if we stop participating in the political process. Do you not understand we can be legislated out of existence? If others benefit by our actions then thats the way it goes.
Union wage rates have set the bar for all wage earners, union and non-union for as long as unions existed.
I don't care if you believe facts or not, but you need to do better math. My numbers were from 1 local. There are over 400. You used the minimum contribution as your bench, we actually voluntarily contribute closer to $100K per year. At that rate, only 70 locals would hit $7mil.
BTW, I know a PT'er dropping $30 per week. He gets it.
We should be ashamed that 1.3 million members are only contributing $7 million.
We are already losing a lot. Since I started, I witnessed benefit delays and reductions, pension cuts, delays in progression and more just with UPS. And, I suspect we'll lose even more in the next contract.
I've been to the meetings and listened to countless hours of whining about concessions, givebacks and more from the drivers in other companies.
I've attended rallies only to watch the majority of members be more interested in stuffing their faces with coffee and donuts than the issue we were protesting, then get upset because they couldn't find a shirt large enough to fit.
So, just how well did that $7 million do in protecting those member benefits? Judging by the stories I read, not much because nearly as many union members voted for Trump as they did for clinton.
I'm not saying we should stop participating in the political process. Instead, we should be dumping these politicians who pander to us only for our votes and focus on ourselves - trying to get the members more involved with the political process - within the union and within the government.
The system is broken. Desperate Americans want and need change. Yet, the unions are still beating their drums and playing the same tunes from 60 years ago.
If they don't change soon, they will go the way of the buggy whip maker.