Trump Press Conference

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Do you know who else famously attacked the press? Hitler. The lugenpresse (lying press) was a successful campaign Hitler used to discredit Germany's free press...and look what happened.

Trump is the second coming of Der Fuhrer. Not kidding. You idiots need to start paying attention to all of his lies and his repeated attacks on the press and the judiciary.
I think he'd like to be Hitler. I don't think he's capable enough though. Our democratic institutions are much stronger than Germany after WW1. He keeps losing all the battles he's picking and the political opposition is strong. I think he must be opposed but the hyperbole about him being Hitler probably doesn't help any. The left just needs to keep pointing out how little he's doing to help those rust belt white folk.


Engorged Member
What happened ?

Hitler has been reincarnated. His followers on here are carefully ironing their brown shirts and ordering copies of Mein Kampf or Art of The Deal. Trump is unfit, insane, and needs to be removed from office.

I guess it's OK to decimate our judiciary and our free press because they interfere with Trump's plans for a dictatorship or some form of authoritarianism. You morons seem to think so, and that he's not dangerous.

He is, and he needs to be stopped. That means spineless politicians like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan need to step-up and do the right things.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
Trump appoval up to 55 percent. The left hate is backfireing. Total desperation. They have lost the house, senate,white house and many many governships. The left doesn't connect anymore. Sore, sore losers. I'm just sitting back saying so glad Hilary isn't in their...Fun four years!


Well-Known Member
OK, back to the thread...

I think this was The Donald trying to be 'Presidential', and trying to ameliorate his Republican congressional base.

As in, 'Look, I can be Presidential, check me out'.

It's worth noting, this is the first 'real' news conference Trump has had since being elected President.

To his credit, he finally fielded questions from news organizations that aren't bloggers or complete suck-ups.

In either case, this eighty minute 'news conference' was a Fellini display of arrogance mixed with incompetence.


Well-Known Member
Trump appoval up to 55 percent. The left hate is backfireing. Total desperation. They have lost the house, senate,white house and many many governships. The left doesn't connect anymore. Sore, sore losers. I'm just sitting back saying so glad Hilary isn't in their...Fun four years!


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump appoval up to 55 percent. The left hate is backfireing. Total desperation. They have lost the house, senate,white house and many many governships. The left doesn't connect anymore. Sore, sore losers. I'm just sitting back saying so glad Hilary isn't in their...Fun four years!
That's the Rasmussen poll known for being inaccurate and slanting right. Pew research is nonpartisan and has him at 39.
What legislation has this regime passed that you like so much? Finally oil companies don't have to disclose their bribes to foreign governments? Yay I guess.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
It's funny reading the posts from the resident Communists on this board. Still completely clueless as to why Trump won. You guys just can't wrap your puny brains around it. Not worth trying to explain it, you either get it or you don't.

You guys are blind to what the media is doing to Trump because you agree with the media. It's not much more complicated than that. You really think the "press" is doing their jobs and reporting the facts day to day? Come on. They are free to continue doing what they're doing but it is a FACT that they are the opposition and more powerful in that role than the Democrat party itself because they control what people read and hear everyday. They control the narrative. I watch these people and just can't believe what they focus on. They find these side issues that they don't like and spin it and that's all you see. Trump's doing a lot of what people voted for but when was the last positive headline you've see in the mainstream media? I guarantee you never do. Go to any mainstream media website. Nothing but negative headlines and stories. The guy got elected on these things and the media acts outraged at everything.


Well-Known Member
It's funny reading the posts from the resident Communists on this board. Still completely clueless as to why Trump won. You guys just can't wrap your puny brains around it. Not worth trying to explain it, you either get it or you don't.

You guys are blind to what the media is doing...

All apologies, I simply can't disagree more.

As far as I can tell, the media is doing what the 'Fourth Estate' is meant to do.

As an aside, you need to get over the fact that Trump won: the only people that continually talk about Trump winning are Trump and his followers.

Guy, believe me, all the non-Trump voters are well aware of the fact that Trump won.

The clue-phone is ringing, and I think it's for you:

Yes, Trump won.

If the rest of us disagree with Trump, it has nothing to do with the fact that 'we can't wrap our puny brains around it'.

For better or worse, Trump runs the show, so what you need to wrap your puny brain around is that it's on Trump now.

I've spent the last six years listening to you whiny little b's complaining about Obama.

You need to get right with God - Trump is in charge now.

You can't blame Obama or Hillary, and you really can't blame the media.

Own it - your guy is a circus clown.


Strength through joy
I wonder why the left keeps trying to bring Hitler into everything ?
Yes , he was bad , but many other dictators were far more cruel .
Joe Stalin killed more people , including his own , than Hitler ever did .


Staff member
I wonder why the left keeps trying to bring Hitler into everything ?
Yes , he was bad , but many other dictators were far more cruel .
Joe Stalin killed more people , including his own , than Hitler ever did .
Because that's his style. It's his "business CEO" makeup. Few businesses are run like a democracy. They run like autocracies and that's the atmosphere Trump seems to be fostering. That's not made up by the media, it's Kellyanne Conway talking "alternative facts". It's Stephen Miller almost hysterically stating that the power of this president "will not be questioned". It's Trump rambling on about whatever the hell he wants to and then insisting that whatever the president says must be true--because the president said it.


Engorged Member
Trump appoval up to 55 percent. The left hate is backfireing. Total desperation. They have lost the house, senate,white house and many many governships. The left doesn't connect anymore. Sore, sore losers. I'm just sitting back saying so glad Hilary isn't in their...Fun four years!

Sure it is, according to Trump. A Rasmussen poll doesn't count because it slants heavily Right Wing.


Engorged Member
I wonder why the left keeps trying to bring Hitler into everything ?
Yes , he was bad , but many other dictators were far more cruel .
Joe Stalin killed more people , including his own , than Hitler ever did .

Trump acts more like a Hitler in terms of methodology. Simple.


Strength through joy
Oh, I'd love to see Trump's paintings .
And I suppose if the EPA is done away with , you'll make the claim that this is his version of the gas chambers ?