Trump Shot!


Well-Known Member
Gun control on those, too.

I think it's insane there's not a more thorough background check like a psychological exam to have access to these weapons in a civilized society. The cops are outgunned. Just my opinion.
I’m glad it’s just your opinion. Gun control won’t save anyone.. about as worthless as the drug war. Because no one can get drugs. 🙄


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Gun control on those, too.

I think it's insane there's not a more thorough background check like a psychological exam to have access to these weapons in a civilized society. The cops are outgunned. Just my opinion.
If society is as civilized as you want to pretend it is, there would be no need for any kind of laws.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
The moment I thought something was really fishy was when they brought that security guard on Ellen

Did you ever see the interviews of the brothers?

There’s video interviews of one brother on YouTube, very strange behavior… but understandable given what’s going on

Then there’s a podcast interview of the other brother… very, very weird. Guy ended up being busted for child porn

The whole thing stinks. I hope you can find time to watch them, I definitely think there’s more to it then they let us know
That's just conspiracy gobeldy gook. Just as credible as the Las Vegas shooting having multiple shooters. We all know just one lone gunman shot 38 different rifles that didn't leave a single piece of brass in the room then shot himself twice in the forehead before anyone could question him.


Well-Known Member
The last time we had stronger gun laws lives were certainly saved. The statistics are clear on this.
Sure, your slanted figures. The ability for us to protect ourselves is our right. You never cease to amaze me at your displeasure with your God-given rights and our constitution. You would be the first one to give away all your rights for a little bit of safety and have neither. Thankfully, you’re in charge of nothing.


Well-Known Member
He says gun laws could’ve stopped the shooting because the cops were outgunned. Actually, the cops in this instance were apparently outsmarted by a stupid 20-year-old. But yet he wants them to protect him?
a dead center round in Crooks temple says they were not outgunned.