“The investigation took a circuitous path from DOJ proper to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team then back to DOJ again, where it ultimately died in the DC U.S. attorney’s office, according to the WaPo. The investigation spawned a long-running legal battle over a federal grand jury subpoena to the Egyptian bank that was mostly fought behind closed doors. The occasional inklings of what was going on secretly in federal court had mostly been interpreted – wrongly it turns out – as related to Russia, not Egypt. CNN was the
first to reveal some of the details of the investigation, back in 2020. The WaPo report is apparently the first to reveal the $9,998,000 withdrawal from the Egyptian bank”
So Russia, Russia, Russia Robert Mueller investigated this and couldn’t find anything?
So now Egypt, Egypt, Egypt?
And this is a deeply sourced story lol with no sources!
They probably got him this time!!!