rocket man
Well-Known Member
see where you would be with out the union. they the uaw has to stick to the contract. were next you watch.
"FYI...Toyota workers are compensated and have as good a pay package, if not more, than UAW workers. "
Yeah, but if you look at total compensation packages, Toyota is somewhere around $48-$50 an hour and the big 3 are around $78 an hour. Big difference !!
I think the union pres. will be out of a job shortly unless the "W" rides in to save the day with an emer. rescue.
Unions were once longer the case.
Maybe the UAW could give back a few Paid Holidays.
Here are the negoitiated Paid holidays that the UAW recieves under the current contract with Chrysler LLC. This contract extends from 2007 to 2011. According to the US bureau of statistics the 1997 national average for workers paid holidays was 9.3 days while the UAW recieves 17.
This does not include paid vacation time or Paid allowable abscenses.
2007 - 2008
Nov. 16, 2007 Veterans Day
Nov. 22, 2007 Thanksgiving
Nov. 23, 2007 Day after Thanksgiving
Dec. 24, 2007 Christmas
Dec. 25, 2007 Holiday period
Dec. 26, 2007
Dec. 27, 2007
Dec. 28, 2007
Dec. 31, 2007
Jan. 1, 2008
Jan. 21, 2008 Martin Luther King day
Mar. 21, 2008 Good Friday
Mar. 24, 2008 Day after Easter
May 26, 2008 memorial day
July 4, 2008 Independance day
Aug. 29, 2008 Friday before labor day
Sept. 1, 2008 Labor day
2008 to 2011. The number of paid days stays the same for each year ( the actual dates may change)
Yeah, it has to be an attempt at union busting and not an attempt to get EVERYONE at these companies to make sacrifices in order to save their careers. Good one. Sarcasm intended.
We have more days off than the UAW, does that make us worst?
We have more days off than the UAW, does that make us worst?
I agree, I dont get those holidays and I work for UPS, and I dont get election day or my birthday off either.What company do you work for, these are PAID holidays, does not include vacations and paid day off allowances.
How about them eliminating ALL particpation in organized racing: NASCAR, TRUCKS, OPEN WHEEL, RALLY and any other competitive sport they spend billions of dollars on?
What about the savings just from this??
Just getting rid of NASCAR sponsorship, parts, development and R&D would save 5 billion dollars all by itself.
We have more days off than the UAW, does that make us worst?
The Federal Gov't isn't twisting the arm of the big three or any other failing businesses to rely on MaMa for failed enterprises. So if any failed enterprises what so ever comes calling, remember who's roof their living under whenever they can fall back on as their security blanket. Oh yeah, and tell that to Wall Street as well.Let me get this straight. The Federal Government is the most horribly run business in America and you people want them to give a loan to a failing business model (something they should not even be allowed to do) in exchange for promises to run the business more in line with how the Government wants. This really is insanity. I have a hard time understanding how this is even an option. Would someone please explain how the Federal Government should have the authority to take a stake in the ownership of private companies as is now being proposed much less act as a bank and make a loan to whom they choose should survive during an economic downturn?
let me get this straight. The federal government is the most horribly run business in america and you people want them to give a loan to a failing business model (something they should not even be allowed to do) in exchange for promises to run the business more in line with how the government wants. This really is insanity. I have a hard time understanding how this is even an option. Would someone please explain how the federal government should have the authority to take a stake in the ownership of private companies as is now being proposed much less act as a bank and make a loan to whom they choose should survive during an economic downturn?
Lets clear up misconceptions, shall we;
the rate of pay for a toyota worker in Tennessee is not a "living wage" in other states.
The rate of pay for typical "trailer park" assembly workers in Tenn cannot be compared to "track home" living in california for example.
Why do you think they built there assembly plants in right to work, outback rural states like Tennesse?
Its amazing how dumb people can be when trying to compare apples to oranges.
The UAW has already made tremendous concessions towards the viability of the big three, however, this is not the issue any longer.
The republicans want to try and tackle the unions before they get kicked to the curb in one last final attack on the nations economy.
The reality today for republicans is this, in 2010, all those workers who lose jobs will finally be the straw that breaks the republicans backs in the congress and senate and they will NEVER regain power in the near future.
Any attack on organized labor in this country is an attack on all of us union workers at UPS.
We are just further down the list.
Better wakeup and the see the train coming.![]()
Hmmm you would have thought that all them bright college educated fellas that negotiated those contracts would of figured that out, but amazingly they agreed to it. Why would they do that, sounds to me like they are the ones that need a pay cut, or better yet a pink slip. Simply put its union busting pure and simple. By the way wonder if those 2 teir employees at Delphi would have gotten a raise....they only make around 14.50 an hour.$60 an hour. to do a relativly easy, skilless job.
yeah, that is a problem.
Funny joke, amazingly the best part of the joke is someone in management was stupid enough to agree to it!The Union Meeting
A union shop steward was addressing the workers at a union meeting ...
"I am pleased to advise all of you that we have agreed on a new deal with the management. We will no longer work four days a week."
"Hooray!" the crowd yelled.
"We will finish work at 4 PM, not 5 PM."
"Hooray!" the crowd yelled again.
We will start work at 10 AM, not 9 AM."
"We have a 110% pay increase."
"We will only work on Tuesdays." Suddenly, the crowd fell silent, until a voice from the back asked, "Every Tuesday?"