That’s the way it is and everyone was crying about working Saturday and Sunday even my resident TDU guy. IBT made a weekend worker to resolve this and keep our workday workweek schedules. Now all of the sudden everyone wants to keep it the same even though they already have two tier drivers that make less than a 22.4. You guys are like kids that can’t make up their mind. Do you realize the economics like raises and benefits are based off a 22.4. You take away the 22.4 and you take away money. That takes time to shuffle economics around again. Has anyone even taken this into consideration?
How many drivers actually bid a Tuesday to Saturday shift? How many drivers actually complained about working weekends? Of those, how many were m-friend drivers being laid off on Mondays and "forced" to work Saturday, and how many were drivers who actually bid t-s? You and the union keep insisting that drivers complaining about working weekends are a main reason for creating 22.4, but unless someone can answer those questions about who actually was complaining, I call BS on the entire premise. It's a red herring, and 22.4 is not even a good solution to this made up problem.
The only people who were unhappy about driving weekends were:
A: the ones who bid a m-friend shift, then had a bait n' switch with the last contract and were forced onto a t-s shift.
B: the drivers who were m-friend and never got moved to a t-s shift, but had to work Saturday because they were laid off on Monday.
I would have gladly bid a t-s shift if it meant I started driving even a year earlier than I did. If I were part time still, waiting to drive, I would rather bid a w-su shift as a full time package car driver than a 22.4. Some drivers in my center were hoping they would start Saturday operations so they could bid a t-s shift.
You can't just make up imaginary bull crap, and blame everyone you disagree with for not being able to make up their minds. Those of us on this forum who oppose 22.4 have never changed our position. 22.4 has been examined from every single angle imaginable, every excuse for creating it has been resoundingly and definitively refuted. No matter which way you look at it 22.4 is bad. If your area has bad language, or can't enforce the language properly, that needs to be addressed in your area, and we would all wholeheartedly support any such efforts any way we could.