Union Dues start after 3 years... over $1000 owed in back-pay

10 point

Well-Known Member
We had a driver hired off the street that was evidently lost in the shuffle when our building was moved from one district to another within a couple of months of him starting. He asked about not seeing union dues taken out of his check and the reply was "don't worry, they're coming out".

When he went to take his vacation the next year (16 mo after being hired) he didn't get a check. After asking for two weeks for his vac check they finally told him that they forgot to take union dues out for over a year and so they were taking his vacation pay to catch up.

He finally got them to take double dues out for the balance of the shortage and got his vac check.

It's true. The communication sucks there sometimes and if you're new you better have a competent steward.