Inordinately Right
Everyone wants to say we have these massive companies that control everything. If you actually look at the facts that would be wrong.

Everyone wants to say we have these massive companies that control everything. If you actually look at the facts that would be wrong.
Looks like please ty of competition. Each company controls a few specific items....each media company controls a few broadcasting networks. Ultimately these companies all have to compete with each other.....would you really want each box of cereal to be made by a different company? Lmao.....also this doesn't account for the hundreds of generic brand food each grocery store produces. And it doesn't show all the alternative media platforms such as PlayStation Vue, Sling, Crackle, Netflix, Hulu, etc etc.
Wow that's quite a rant.You don't even know what a monopoly is! And your a don't want monopolies, but you want socialism which is exactly a government run monopoly....LOL
Not to mention you seem to be fine working for one of these "Monopolies."
This is something I've never understood. People that are in favor of socialism think that it's unfair that successful people become wealthy no matter what it took to get there. They think that it is unfair that the people that go to work and work 40 hours a week then go home and forget about it until the next day earn less than the people that came up with a great idea, took the risk of raising money to start it, work 100 hours a week, and think about it 24/7. They know that people are like you said greedy, liars, selfish, etc yet they somehow think the government wouldn't be after taking half or more of our money.Lol and you don't understand that socialism and communism never work because humans don't act in binary terms. People are greedy, liars, selfish, etc. No socialist country has ever worked. That's why the Nordic countries that your type likes to point to has just started to abolish their welfare state, healthcare, unemployment and all other socialist related policies. Why are they doing this? Because they realized if you don't give people incentive to work they won't. People are inherently lazy.
You goofy jack wagon. If you want to jump int to Marxist theory why don’t you delve into the country that he believed was ripe for it and why? I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t Russia and it wasn’t China. In fact I’ll give you another hint: if it wasn’t for Roosevelt and socialist ideas like social security and later Medicare and Medicaid, Marx may well have been right.Lol and you don't understand that socialism and communism never work because humans don't act in binary terms. People are greedy, liars, selfish, etc. No socialist country has ever worked. That's why the Nordic countries that your type likes to point to has just started to abolish their welfare state, healthcare, unemployment and all other socialist related policies. Why are they doing this? Because they realized if you don't give people incentive to work they won't. People are inherently lazy.
You can also tote your bullMarxism and claim he wanted workers to iwb the means of production and weapons etc. That's true during the process of becoming a complete communist society. But if you actually read his works you should know that at the end once a society reaches those "goals" those things are no longer owned by the people. Where do you think Marx would position himself in the social hierarchy? Do you think he's going to be shoveling cow
like all the other citizens? Lmao keep markets, personal responsibility, private label d, right to privacy, freedom of religion, sexual orientation, and basically freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't infringe in others rights is the key to success.
Incorrect. I’m not in favor of socialism, but you’re playing in a rigged system. The Donald knows it. Bernie knows it. The leaders of UPS know it.This is something I've never understood. People that are in favor of socialism think that it's unfair that successful people become wealthy no matter what it took to get there. They think that it is unfair that the people that go to work and work 40 hours a week then go home and forget about it until the next day earn less than the people that came up with a great idea, took the risk of raising money to start it, work 100 hours a week, and think about it 24/7. They know that people are like you said greedy, liars, selfish, etc yet they somehow think the government wouldn't be after taking half or more of our money.
No. I have no problem with people becoming successful. They are not evil, they did not steal from me to get where they are. Just because they become successful does not mean that i can not. I'm fairly certain you'd be hard pressed to find a single rich person that became so by stealing from poor people. People have different levels of intelligence, different work ethics, and different values so of course everyone is not going to end up in the same place, nor should they.Incorrect. I’m not in favor of socialism, but you’re playing in a rigged system. The Donald knows it. Bernie knows it. The leaders of UPS know it.
I’m curious if you’ll admit it.
I never said the US was completely capitalist. I said it was crony capitalism. Much of the Constitution was framed around a capitalist society which did exist when the country was formed. Also Hong Kong is a great example of capitalism. Maybe you should read previous posts before commenting.You goofy jack wagon. If you want to jump int to Marxist theory why don’t you delve into the country that he believed was ripe for it and why? I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t Russia and it wasn’t China. In fact I’ll give you another hint: if it wasn’t for Roosevelt and socialist ideas like social security and later Medicare and Medicaid, Marx may well have been right.
The simple fact is, there is no purely capitalist or socialist or communist country in the pure form of the word. Draw an intelligent conclusion from facts for a change.
The Communist Manifesto - Bourgeoisie and ProletariatI never said the US was completely capitalist. I said it was crony capitalism. Much of the Constitution was framed around a capitalist society which did exist when the country was formed. Also Hong Kong is a great example of capitalism. Maybe you should read previous posts before commenting.
Please tell me which system has been more successful historically? If the system fails which would you rather be living under? Go read some books on Austrian Economics.
Socialism, as Marx envisioned, could not even take root without capitalism’s imminent failure. And the reason Marx foresees capitalism’s eventual failure? The very greed and cronyism you referred to earlier.I never said the US was completely capitalist. I said it was crony capitalism. Much of the Constitution was framed around a capitalist society which did exist when the country was formed. Also Hong Kong is a great example of capitalism. Maybe you should read previous posts before commenting.
Please tell me which system has been more successful historically? If the system fails which would you rather be living under? Go read some books on Austrian Economics.
capitalists only want markets when its most profitable. if government is more profitable then they want that.Wrong....we don't have capitalism....we have crony calitcapit. That is what you get when you continue to elect officials and leaders who grow the government and ultimately affect every facet of life. If we had a small limited government like the founding fathers wanted we wouldn't be having all the issues we do now. We need a truely free market system with less regulations etc.
im not sure thats true.True but most of the rich aren't people who inherited it from mommy or daddy. There are people that do but the overwhelming majority start from the ground up by trying to get loans, looking for investors, or starting very small and letting the business grow organically.
The purpose of Capitalism is to give freedom to the individual. The purpose of Socialism and Communism is to create a system of dependence, servetude, and bondage.Socialism, as Marx envisioned, could not even take root without capitalism’s imminent failure. And the reason Marx foresees capitalism’s eventual failure? The very greed and cronyism you referred to earlier.
you gotta be kidding.Everyone wants to say we have these massive companies that control everything. If you actually look at the facts that would be wrong. Since 1953 only 50 out of 500 fortune 500 companies are still on the list. Many companies everyone thought would "take over the world" are gone, bankrupt, or dissolved. General Electric just got removed a from the S&P500 a few more the ago.
in capitalism we also have debt servitude, dependence, etc.The purpose of Capitalism is to give freedom to the individual. The purpose of Socialism and Communism is to create a system of dependence, servetude, and bondage.
in capitalism we also have debt servitude, dependence, etc.
im not sure thats true.True but most of the rich aren't people who inherited it from mommy or daddy. There are people that do but the overwhelming majority start from the ground up by trying to get loans, looking for investors, or starting very small and letting the business grow organically.