Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Same type of game as his Brush ave partner in crime. Early morning shuttle to Newark job was never put up for bid in Foster.Tony realized this after he got booted back to package and started to cry foul about it. Didnt notice it though while he was the business agent. Tony does that shuttle now.

yeah thats just grimy but according to you my oppinion means sh.t ! oh well for all intents and purposes , ACCORDING TO UPS IM SUSPENDED PENDING THE PANEL .....SO I GUESS IT COUNTS FOR SOMETHING !


Well-Known Member
Actually I do value your opinion on the topic but cant agree with it. Maybe if you were still working pending arbitration, it would hold more merit. Sugar coat the termination anyway you like, I still hope you win.


Well-Known Member
Same type of game as his Brush ave partner in crime. Early morning shuttle to Newark job was never put up for bid in Foster.Tony realized this after he got booted back to package and started to cry foul about it. Didnt notice it though while he was the business agent. Tony does that shuttle now.

Does he pull a route when he returns from airport??


Well-Known Member
yeah thats just grimy but according to you my oppinion means sh.t ! oh well for all intents and purposes , ACCORDING TO UPS IM SUSPENDED PENDING THE PANEL .....SO I GUESS IT COUNTS FOR SOMETHING !

what building were you in Yorktown, Elmsford, Mt Vernon, or brush


Well-Known Member
Actually I do value your opinion on the topic but cant agree with it. Maybe if you were still working pending arbitration, it would hold more merit. Sugar coat the termination anyway you like, I still hope you win.
Me sugar coat ,no way that was some sarcasm......as I stated earlier I was advised by a friend in mgmt im coded in payroll the system as


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys it's been a while.

OK this post I will dedicate to the Suffolk building.
Reliable sources tell me that our BA N O told his twi shop steward IN FRONT OF MANAGEMENT that it was OK for the part timers to go home after they showed up for work AND we could not do anything about it. The steward told him after they send home the workers the sups do all the work but he sided with management. THE SHOP STEWARD QUIT. Way to go ROW B.


Our suffolk BA strikes again or should I say the female pre-load sup. struck our BA in the a-- with her foot when she kicked him out of the building. The new pre load shop steward was complaining to his BA that his sup. was not letting his members take their breaks. Our BA asked the female sup. what was going on and she told him that she had no time for him. He asked again and she told him to leave the buiding. Our BA then asked for the DM ,I guess he was turning to him for help LOL. The DM told him to leave the building NOW. I guess our BA doesn't realize he doesn't work for them anymore and he does not have to follow their instructions. HOW IN GOD'S NAME COULD YOU LET A SUP. THROW YOU OUT OF THE BUILDING WHEN YOU WERE REPRESENTING YOUR SHOP STEWARD. If you had any B A L L S you would have made them call the cops.
If UPS can just throw our BA out the door when he was representing one of our Shop Stewards what chance does the membership have.
Brothers how did we make such a huge mistake. Row B THE MEMBERS ARE WAITING TO SEE HOW YOU DEAL WITH THIS ONE. You talked a good game during the campagin NOW YOUR UP AT BAT.



Well-Known Member
hi guys it's been a while.

Ok this post i will dedicate to the suffolk building.
Reliable sources tell me that our ba n o told his twi shop steward in front of management that it was ok for the part timers to go home after they showed up for work and we could not do anything about it. The steward told him after they send home the workers the sups do all the work but he sided with management. The shop steward quit. Way to go row b.

Breaking news

our suffolk ba strikes again or should i say the female pre-load sup. Struck our ba in the a-- with her foot when she kicked him out of the building. The new pre load shop steward was complaining to his ba that his sup. Was not letting his members take their breaks. Our ba asked the female sup. What was going on and she told him that she had no time for him. He asked again and she told him to leave the buiding. Our ba then asked for the dm ,i guess he was turning to him for help lol. The dm told him to leave the building now. I guess our ba doesn't realize he doesn't work for them anymore and he does not have to follow their instructions. How in god's name could you let a sup. Throw you out of the building when you were representing your shop steward. If you had any b a l l s you would have made them call the cops.
If ups can just throw our ba out the door when he was representing one of our shop stewards what chance does the membership have.
Brothers how did we make such a huge mistake. Row b the members are waiting to see how you deal with this one. You talked a good game during the campagin now your up at bat.

Agitator 2

ag2................................please shut up!!!! Thank you!!
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Well-Known Member
It was a long, hot, and very strange day in suffolk today. They would have had to drag P.D out in cuffs if they pulled that with him. If we don't see a real show of force tomorrow, there will be some very angry and disappointed teamsters out there.


Well-Known Member
Agitator 2 it would help if you read it before you post it ,, did management tell the members there was no work so go home? witch we know no one would leave so that would be BS or did the members go home on there own and if they did answer this Q ,, what could the BA do to stop them???? he can do nothing its there choice. Tony M yes old row A Tony M ,, always told my steward , members should not go home , but if they want to theres nothing we can do about it ,,all the steward had to do is put in greivances for the sups working and divide the time up between the members that stayed its very simple , but IF he did quit then he didnt belong there in the first place. its so sad that a follow union member ( if you are one a good source knows that you are a part time sup ) like yourself puts post up here and sounds like a child , do you have any pride in yourself at all, do you care about your union?? Row A let hundreds of drivers go home a day and did nothing about it , never once at a stewards meeting did they tell the stewards to put pressure on guys that went home ,, to talk about how much money was not going in to the pension because of it ,, nope nothing but what they did do was raise the monthly $1 the stewards got per member to $2 dollars to make them happy and like good children they smiled.. Howie and Tony M always said stewards dont do it for the money and that the amout would never go up , most unions the stewards dont have to pay union dues but a dollar a members in most places was like the same thing ,, I even heard Howie say it should never go up because then people may do it for the money ... so what happens Tony M gets up at a general membership meeting and says " my brothers and sisters I say vote YES so the stewards get $2 because they work so hard for you " LOL what a joke ,, all that Row A cared about was kissing the stewards @sses because they felt as long as the stewards were on there side they were safe LOL 95% percent of local 804 stewards surrported Row A who can forget that flyer we got in the mail with all the stewards giving the THUMBS UP LOL oopps it didnt work the members read between the BS and voted them out...sorry it was so long i was on a roll LOL.. I LOVE MY UNION


Well-Known Member
Agitator 2 it would help if you read it before you post it ,, did management tell the members there was no work so go home? witch we know no one would leave so that would be BS or did the members go home on there own and if they did answer this Q ,, what could the BA do to stop them???? he can do nothing its there choice. Tony M yes old row A Tony M ,, always told my steward , members should not go home , but if they want to theres nothing we can do about it ,,all the steward had to do is put in greivances for the sups working and divide the time up between the members that stayed its very simple , but IF he did quit then he didnt belong there in the first place. its so sad that a follow union member ( if you are one a good source knows that you are a part time sup ) like yourself puts post up here and sounds like a child , do you have any pride in yourself at all, do you care about your union?? Row A let hundreds of drivers go home a day and did nothing about it , never once at a stewards meeting did they tell the stewards to put pressure on guys that went home ,, to talk about how much money was not going in to the pension because of it ,, nope nothing but what they did do was raise the monthly $1 the stewards got per member to $2 dollars to make them happy and like good children they smiled.. Howie and Tony M always said stewards dont do it for the money and that the amout would never go up , most unions the stewards dont have to pay union dues but a dollar a members in most places was like the same thing ,, I even heard Howie say it should never go up because then people may do it for the money ... so what happens Tony M gets up at a general membership meeting and says " my brothers and sisters I say vote YES so the stewards get $2 because they work so hard for you " LOL what a joke ,, all that Row A cared about was kissing the stewards @sses because they felt as long as the stewards were on there side they were safe LOL 95% percent of local 804 stewards surrported Row A who can forget that flyer we got in the mail with all the stewards giving the THUMBS UP LOL oopps it didnt work the members read between the BS and voted them out...sorry it was so long i was on a roll LOL.. I LOVE MY UNION

Is that tellthetruth2.....LOL.... I say that we should replace all the stewards.... They can't be trusted!!


Well-Known Member
Scooby, Pat has been kicked out of the building before. I believe it was Melville and Timmy had to help him get off property. He didnt go quietly.


Well-Known Member
Agitator, you put a major twist to this story to try to make the ba look stupid. You forgot to add the argument with the dm re the breaks. I do find your posts amusing and I do get a kick out of reading them. OB was a good steward for row a and a good ba for row b no matter what stories you can twist.


Well-Known Member
The building is UPS property not a union hall. Follow the correct channels if he could not represent the members not put on a show to please a few row a fools. Are you kidding me with some of your comments? Maybe he should have punched the chick, would you have liked that?


Well-Known Member
The building is UPS property not a union hall. Follow the correct channels if he could not represent the members not put on a show to please a few row a fools. Are you kidding me with some of your comments? Maybe he should have punched the chick, would you have liked that?

Yes I would have liked that if it's the chick I think IT IS. LOL