Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
:sad-very:So bad. so glad N.O. is just a fool on the hill. who never had any balls. this is just so sad, and you no nothing was done about it today. HOW WEAK IS THIS NEW E-BOARD.:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Money isn't everything--some of the most truly happy people I have ever met didn't have a pot to piss in.

Thats because they do not know what they are missing !


Well-Known Member
Breaking news from Foster Ave!!!! Long time employee of 24 years and shop steward was discharged and walked off the job!!!! Company alledged that machine gun Harry Weldon falsefied his time card and was discharged and walked off the property by L.P. Third man on the weak executive board Cirgar Pete was there to defend him....After about 20 mins cirgar Pete ran out of bullets.....then he tried giving Management cirgars, when that failed as well, he took machine gun Weldon out of the office with the Shop Steward and started telling Harry that you have alot of years why dont you just retire???" One outraged Harry who is one of their top supporters fired back at cigar Pete and said I am not retiring I NEED MY JOB" This is another example of how weak this Executive Board is!!!

Spokes person for the company said that Machine Gun Harry Weldon is done!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Top news out of Maspeth!!!! The big guy Hillbilly Jim was in Maspeth when approached by two of his inside top supporters and full timers when the **** hit the fan and they told him you fat slob we voted for you the last time but we will never vote for you again!!!!! Its been six months and nothing has been done but raising medical co-payments......


Well-Known Member
What about the news from the Suffolk Building????? Its been said the Neil O the suitcase Obrien was thrown out of the building by a woman supervisor!!!!! This was after he agreed with her and went against the Shop Steward... Folks this is definality a company union when the B.A. agrees with the supervisor... Sources say that Neil left the building peacefully and when members tried calling him on his cell phone to come back his representation was still needed he did not answer....... Again!! Heaven help us we are in real trouble!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Folks do not give up hope yet...It looks like the end is comming soon....They say there is light at the end of the tunnel.....This Weak Executive Board is loosing ground very fast which really was predicted....We got ourselves in some mess but in 30 months their circus will be over and we will not be sending in the the clowns......
Folks do not give up hope yet...It looks like the end is comming soon....They say there is light at the end of the tunnel.....This Weak Executive Board is loosing ground very fast which really was predicted....We got ourselves in some mess but in 30 months their circus will be over and we will not be sending in the the clowns......

cigar pete! hahaha classic


Well-Known Member
Sorry to once again correct you but N O was not kicked out from a women supervisor and if you think bronco ex vp billy is going to run this local in 30 months, your more clueless than you sound. Ask Billy to see his wedding party photo, I am sure you can pick out a few people.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to once again correct you but N O was not kicked out from a women supervisor and if you think bronco ex vp billy is going to run this local in 30 months, your more clueless than you sound. Ask Billy to see his wedding party photo, I am sure you can pick out a few people.

Yes he was 804 and it was Bonnie. Santora and some guy from LP backed her up, and he left without a fight. Again I was not there but I spoke to a few people who were. If its true UPS needs to get it stuck up their *@#. I like what the new agitator said - row b is up at bat. You want to bet they strike out.


Well-Known Member
Yes he was 804 and it was Bonnie. Santora and some guy from LP backed her up, and he left without a fight. Again I was not there but I spoke to a few people who were. If its true UPS needs to get it stuck up their *@#. I like what the new agitator said - row b is up at bat. You want to bet they strike out.

Not everything is a fight.......... Just the facts, just the facts......... maybe there was nothing to fight or argue about........


Well-Known Member
What about the news from the Suffolk Building????? Its been said the Neil O the suitcase Obrien was thrown out of the building by a woman supervisor!!!!! This was after he agreed with her and went against the Shop Steward... Folks this is definality a company union when the B.A. agrees with the supervisor... Sources say that Neil left the building peacefully and when members tried calling him on his cell phone to come back his representation was still needed he did not answer....... Again!! Heaven help us we are in real trouble!!!!!!

Lonely... I just figured you out... You have to be management..... There is no way anyone can be that connected unless you bleed brown.. I see management still have their daily phone conference calls..LOL!!! Good try.... because from what I hear your days are numbered!! HAHAHA!!:anxious: Don't worry ..... FEDEX is hiring..


Well-Known Member
Folks do not give up hope yet...It looks like the end is comming soon....They say there is light at the end of the tunnel.....This Weak Executive Board is loosing ground very fast which really was predicted....We got ourselves in some mess but in 30 months their circus will be over and we will not be sending in the the clowns......

Lonely you have it all wrong.....The WEAK BOARD lost ground 6 months ago...LOL and then locally 2 months ago...LOL!! This board is doing just fine... When I read about the things that are going on all over the district... I smile with joy because I know the reason why UPS is going hard is because the new board didn't sell us out....LOL~ And that is all anyone can ask for!! I respect them greatly because even in the face of CHAOS... They are still standing strong.. And in 30 months i don't believe anyone can win against them.. Especially with the new contract coming up..:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Breaking news from Foster Ave!!!! Long time employee of 24 years and shop steward was discharged and walked off the job!!!! Company alledged that machine gun Harry Weldon falsefied his time card and was discharged and walked off the property by L.P. Third man on the weak executive board Cirgar Pete was there to defend him....After about 20 mins cirgar Pete ran out of bullets.....then he tried giving Management cirgars, when that failed as well, he took machine gun Weldon out of the office with the Shop Steward and started telling Harry that you have alot of years why dont you just retire???" One outraged Harry who is one of their top supporters fired back at cigar Pete and said I am not retiring I NEED MY JOB" This is another example of how weak this Executive Board is!!!

Spokes person for the company said that Machine Gun Harry Weldon is done!!!!!

Now come on Lonely.. Everyone knows that since Tony D couldn't win the steward election fair and square.. His management buddies are trying to help him out by firing Harry.. And if Pete suggested to Harry he should resign.. then it doesn't look good for him.. And I believe that is going to be said to CRASH when his day is up...LOL!! Foster Ave building is full of members taking short cuts or falsefing records.. Trust me!!!! They want Tony D to be the steward so the company can help me and a new slate win in two years.. So Everyone on this site don't be fooled.... Because the old slate and the company believe that we are a bunch of DUMB TRUCK DRIVERS and that we can't handle the truth...
And that is why the old board lied to us and the company is continuing to lie to us... New E- Board keep up the good work!!! The educated members are the ones who voted and we understand~:smart:
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Well-Known Member
Yes he was 804 and it was Bonnie. Santora and some guy from LP backed her up, and he left without a fight. Again I was not there but I spoke to a few people who were. If its true UPS needs to get it stuck up their *@#. I like what the new agitator said - row b is up at bat. You want to bet they strike out.

Outlaw!!! You sound like a feeder guy...CRY BABY!!:sad-very: You probably don't talk much at work......BUT when you are alone at home... You get to type all the things that you can't speak on in public!!! YOU JUST WANT TO BE HEARD!! IT'S o.k. I understand.. You and Lonely are booty bandits!!LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Good night folks....Neil O'Brien and the rest of this cast of characters are still the weakest E-Board in the last forty years!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ron Carey is still laughing his ass off "or Crying" Remember once again this is the gang that couldn't shoot straight......


Well-Known Member
Before I go to bed, does anyone remember when Cigar Pete the V.P. was nominated for President at a meeting at Local 282???? He could not even get a second person to nominate him!!!!!! WHAT A EMBARRESSMENT!!! I GUESS YOU WERE JUST LUCKY THIS TIME PETE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Now come on Lonely.. Everyone knows that since Tony D couldn't win the steward election fair and square.. His management buddies are trying to help him out by firing Harry.. And if Pete suggested to Harry he should resign.. then it doesn't look good for him.. And I believe that is going to be said to CRASH when his day is up...LOL!! Foster Ave building is full of members taking short cuts or falsefing records.. Trust me!!!! They want Tony D to be the steward so the company can help me and a new slate win in two years.. So Everyone on this site don't be fooled.... Because the old slate and the company believe that we are a bunch of DUMB TRUCK DRIVERS and that we can't handle the truth...
And that is why the old board lied to us and the company is continuing to lie to us... New E- Board keep up the good work!!! The educated members are the ones who voted and we understand~:smart:

You have no clue