There's over 22 cuts that video. If you believe what you truly know to be the "truth" it shouldn't be so hard to just say it fluently without stopping the camera almost two dozen times.
He needs Obama's poster holder. It probably is a superior teleprompter.
The video is well practiced because he has had plenty of time to convince himself that what he did was the right thing to do. He is right about probably winning on Jairo's original case but on PULLING THE BUILDING he screwed up. He keeps saying this and that about Tim but every other BA and Trustee and Officer in that union hall that he works in backs Tim S 100%. So Liam is calling everyone of those men liars and unworthy of leadership.
And now we find out that he some how got a hold of Tim's emails and others. Then he publishes for all to see people's private emails addresses!! I'm not sure how low he can go here. I'm not sure he thinks he is some kind of admirable whistle blower like Ed Snowden but he certainly appears to be to others an unethical, irresponsible, incorrigible BA who has a deep, long and sneaky grudge against the man who hired him, listened to him and then had to discipline him.
The tragedy here is not Tim S. This is a political attack in a very political year. This is tragic because of the potential we all loss due to LIAM'S fall. It is tragic because he was super smart and young and probably one day might have ran our local. But his pride got the best of him. He felt ineffective in Maspeth. Every DM had it in for him. Tim put Liam in his former building to give it to UPS management (a FU if you will). By doing that Liam did not get the breaks that other BAs got ONLY because of his history with UPS as a driver and a masterful steward.
I'm sure Liam felt ineffective and useless watching his members get walked out (even his friend Jairo got walked out) while other BAs who maybe weren't as militant as he were able to save their members from that fate. Then on that fateful day in February, Liam lost his cool. He was surrounded by his members, guys he worked side by side with for years. He saw the look in their collective eyes and reacted as any human being might. But Liam wasn't ANY human. He was always the guy IN CONTROL of himself and super careful about what he said and did.
I wish I knew exactly what was going on in his head at that time but we all saw the original video of him on the pole, etc. He saw himself as the recreation of Ron Carey but in reality he was just frustrated and out of answers. We all watched him lose it. That is the tragedy of this whole story. Tim will run and win or lose on his own merits and accomplishments. And Liam, unfortunately, will be an asterisk in Teamster history for all of us to learn from.