Did he do that, on his "own time and dime" ?
If he didn't.... that could be a problem.
Could be, but it shouldn't, and I can't help but wonder if this would be an issue if Sylvester wasn't running for GP? I know I saw Hoffa's pic in Madison, and Ohio, and California...
I'm sure the GP has the right (and responsibility) to travel wherever labor issues arise on the Teamsters dime. Our locals guys were (as I suspect yours were) asked to join union busting protests in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana, and many did. Should those activities all be on their "own time and dime"?
I think any Teamster leader should be allowed to support other Teamsters being attacked and the costs incurred should be covered by their locals treasury as it definitely has a union purpose. Now whether a protest march qualifies as aiding the union cause or having a bona fide union purpose I'll leave to the brighter posters for discussion, if we can tear ourselves away from the hot topic of Sylvester's diet.