Unions and Corporations


Strength through joy
Tina Brown to Newsweek Staff: Merry Christmas; You're Fired

The sad moment has arrived when we must go forth with the editorial staff reductions that we discussed in person with all of you several weeks ago. Employees in the affected positions will be notified today. Much of this has already happened on the business side, and today we will be letting staff on the editorial side know where we will be eliminating positions. This is a very difficult day, and one that we approach with enormous regret.
Anyone whose job (or job category) is affected will meet today with a senior member of the editorial team. No one will be asked to leave before December 31st (and many will stay at least into mid-January). Managers will be getting in touch later this afternoon with groups of affected employees to let them know when and where their particular meeting will take place. After the meetings with management, you should feel free to speak with Holly Antiuk or Lauren Strada for more specifics on all aspects of this transition. We are working to ensure that the process is handled as sensitively as possible.
Tina & Baba



golden ticket member
I hope someone still patrols the parking lot at lunch time!!!

Unions are a cancer.

Via Fox News:
Chrysler workers who were fired or suspended two years ago after a MyFoxDetroit investigation found them drinking and goofing off during lunch break are back on the job.

MyFoxDetroit first aired the footage of the Chrysler workers in September 2010. Video showed them in a park during the work day, drinking alcohol from bottles covered in brown paper bags and smoking what appeared to be marijuana.

With the auto giant having recently received a federal taxpayer bailout, and President Obama having visited the plant where the employees worked just months earlier, Chrysler appeared to take a zero-tolerance attitude. The company fired 13 workers, and suspended two.

But MyFoxDetroit reports that following a union-backed arbitration process, the employees were reinstated. This week, they came back to work.

Chrysler said in a statement that it does not support the decision to bring back the workers but would like to move on.

“While the company does not agree with the ultimate decision of the arbitrator, we respect the grievance procedure process as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement and our relationship with the (United Auto Workers union),” the company said, according to MyFoxDetroit. “Unfortunately, the company was put in a very difficult position because of the way the story was investigated and ultimately revealed to the public.

These employees from Jefferson North have been off work for more than two years. The time has come to put this situation behind us and resume our focus on building quality products that will firmly establish Chrysler Group’s position in the marketplace.”


golden ticket member
Obama ran to Michigan to stir the pot........he's the cause of demonstrations there today........It's a done deal. Why demonstrate? All they want is the "right to choose". Freedom of choice is basic!

Obama needs to stop show boating and do his job !!


Strength through joy
But campaigning is all he knows.
He can't attack Mitt anymore , so he's back to attacking the states .
And when all else fails , he'll still find someone to blame .


golden ticket member
Part of those demonstrators are teachers.....who's teaching the kids?

Who's doing the jobs of those people who decided to go to Lansing today??


Strength through joy
[h=2]Classic: Michigan Union Teacher Poses In Front Of Misspelled “Synder” Sign During Right-To-Work Protest…[/h] Who’s this Synder guy? Any relation to Governor Snyder?


golden ticket member
Via Washington Examiner:

The Association of Teacher Educators has recruited Chicago professor – and former domestic terrorist – William Ayers to speak at their the 2013 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia which will be held next month.

William Ayers, a co-founder of the radical Weather Underground domestic terror group, was a key figure during the 2008 presidential campaign due to his Chicago ties to then-Senator Obama.

The organization’s executive director, David Ritchey, confirmed that Ayers would be a keynote speaker at the conference although he admitted that he wasn’t involved in the selection process.


golden ticket member
A union boss committing crimes? This has to be a first… errr, maybe not.

Via LA Times:
The former president of California’s largest union local was found guilty by a federal jury in Los Angeles on Monday of stealing from the low-wage workers he represented.

Tyrone Freeman, who led Local 6434 of the Service Employees International Union, was convicted on 14 criminal counts, including embezzlement of union funds, violating tax laws and mail fraud.

As president of SEIU Local 6434 — the second-largest SEIU chapter in the nation — Freeman, 43, represented 160,000 low-wage healthcare workers who cared for the elderly and people with disabilities. He also represented 30,000 workers as president of the California United Homecare Workers.

Prosecutors accused Freeman of billing the union for “elaborate personal expenses,” including more than $8,000 in costs related to his 2006 wedding in Honolulu, according to court documents.


golden ticket member
This is what TENURE gets you.........the teacher was probably just phoning it in !!

Via Huffington Post:
Arizona fourth grader Kyera McCloskey got an accidental lesson in infidelity earlier this week.

According to ABC15, McCloskey and her fellow students at the Playa Del Rey Elementary School in Gilbert, Ariz.
were given a very grown-up homework assignment on Monday. The students were prompted to read about various situations, describe what was happening in them and then offer a response or solution. One such “situation” was about a woman finding a hair clip underneath her bed with another woman’s hair in it.

McCloskey suspected the question had to do with cheating, but consulted her mother for clarification.
“I kinda had my mom help me with the answer a little bit because I didn’t want to go too deep into what it was trying to ask me,” she said.

After McCloskey’s mother called the school, the teacher quickly apologized, admitting she had not read the assignment carefully.

“That’s not a subject matter the school needs to bring up to my child,” McCloskey’s mother said.