UPS finally says something and means it


Well-Known Member
Any management person who claims that we will only be working 9.5 hours this peak is simply regurgitating a corporate talking point.
The 8.2 hour day is a flavor of the week deal. Enjoy it while it lasts. If you need the OT, follow ORION and get your 10.
It is not a coincidence that the 8.2 mandate, the loss of ODO, the Investor “transformation” Conference and the contract vote all happened at the same time.
The narrative that the company is attempting to put forth to both employees and investors is that we are being “transformed” by new technology that is a quantam leap in efficiency, and that the company now has the ability to replace us with low paid off-the-street new hires who can use the new technology as a substitute for area knowledge. Reducing our OT injects a bit of fear and financial uncertainty into the workforce (always a plus when a contract is being negotiated) as well as propping up the illusion that ORION works.
Enjoy the 8.2 hour days. They wont be around for very much longer.
What do you mean by loss of ODO... wasn’t that the Orion delivery order???


Well-Known Member
Yeah and you get more money if you find the “lost” ones like the ones in the rivers or off the side of a cliff. Lmfao, what a world.
So now there will be people starting new “businesses” where they go collect them with a flatbed truck and bring them home or charge them with spare truck batteries and then redistribute them around the city.... crazy