ups merch


Full Service
I just need this hoodie.


Retired 23 years
I'd like license plate frame that says local 639 or something like that.
When I retired Local 638 out of Minneapolis gave me a set of license plate holders that said Retired Teamster----Local 638 on them. I used those until they finally fell apart. They also gave me a nice tool kit that I still carry in my truck. The company gave me NOTHING.


Full Service
Just beware, if you're not already, that those are often a flavor of the week target. It never lasts but can be annoying if you're not prepared.
Oh trust, I know. I have an older one I purchased years ago when I started. I only wore it to or from work, but it would make my former Sr manager's blood boil, at least for the brothers. Others could wear theirs on road without a peep.