Negative. I have never argued for the removal of just one side. You may just assume that because I think that staying in Iraq for the short term is in our best national interest means that we should stay in Bosnia, Africa, Italy, Germany, Poland, and wherever else forever.
I do however say if you want to argue against the war in Iraq based on the cost then why ignore other costs that I believe are outside the intended role of our Federal Government. Right now Congress wants to push through a farm bill that will cost as much as 800 billion or as little as 300 billion depending on who you listen to. Not a peep from Diesel about this cost but I have read regular complaints about the costs of the Iraq war from him.
Wkmac I believe in freedom and liberty which means in no small part that I want to be free from an oppressive Federal tax in any form. I want the freedom to choose how I spend my money. I want a free market for goods and services. To maintain that freedom we may need this military. I do not think it should be used as the worlds police force. We may not need this social security tax to fund it. If you do not think that I would like to cut the size and costs of our Federal government you would be shocked at how far I would like to see it go. If I were in charge I would shift the debate from how much we should expand government to how much we should cut the size and power of our central federal government.
Maybe I should have clarified better but I wasn't pointing at you specifically. The discussion that D and yourself were having IMO is a larger mirror of a general picture between so-called republican conservatives and so-called democrat liberals. I use the term so-called because in reality these perfect divisions are not so perfect in real life. I mean what truly is a perfect conservative and what is a perfect liberal? I'm not sure there is such a thing.
But since you have raised the issue with this:
Negative. I have never argued for the removal of just one side.
let me throw something out that I see that makes me wonder or maybe it's best said, confuses me with a mixed signal.
There's no arguement you've spoken of cutting gov't and outside of foreign policy we probably share a lot of common ground. Domestically, D and I would differ in a lot of areas but he does IMO have one good valid point in that we are so quick to jump up and save the world but domestically the gov't has dropped the ball. Let me caveat before I go forward, neither domestically or internationally so I believe it's the federal govt's job to extract money from me by force to do what I would not do if left to my own choices. I do not believe in compulsary gov't but if you want to argue we should be on the international scene with gov't cheese, then by all rights D has every right and just as valid and maybe moreso to argue his point. As such IMO he has more standing as you take care of family first before you feed and cloth the neighbors. Is that how you operate in your own family?
Returning to point, now I know most would immediately assume the tired and true of thinking he's (D or rather folks from his POV) only worried about Katrina and other so-called do gooder ideas but I'd also lump the total failure of a fair and balanced immigration policy that is followed up by real enforcement in on the domestic side. I mean, why should al qaeda go to Iraq when they can go to Mexico and literally walk across the border for all kinds of fun and games! D also has a valid point about concerns for infastructure with the bridge collaspe in Minn. a very good example. After watching that bridge, one has to step back just a moment and ask about those levies in New Orleans.
IMO, much of the problem has been federal mandates by Washington upon the States and local communities that are enforced by law but are unfunded at the federal level. Whose fault is that? I think the Presidents (that's plural) and the Congress (think plural again) and both political parties who have been more interested in obtaining power and using the US treasury as an open checkbook. Problem is, we've given away tons of money abroad and for what?
There's the picture so to speak but what leaves me scratching my head concerning you are statements like this for example:
You cry about the costs of war but you ignore the largest cost in the room. At least the constitution gives the Government the authority to wage war.
First off, you are right in that military cost don't equal some of the domestic cost but IMO that shouldn't be apart of the arguement anyway. And how much foreign aid via the State department gets blown to the 4 winds and some of that indirectly benefits the military but is not a direct military cost.
Then you make another statement which is true but in the context comes across to me to say when it comes to the military, there is no limit. That statement concerns Constitutional authority to wage war. You are correct the Constitution does authorize this but the fact is there is no true Constitutional declaration of War being/having been passed by the Congress authorizing President Bush to do anything so IMO that arguement is mute. Congress screams about executive overreach by Bush but then they don't have the balls to stand up and perform their duty under the Constitution and they pass what amounts to a funding legislation that gives the President the authority to spend it as he sees fit. The Congress doesn't have the kahunas the stand up and vote and be on record because some wonk with thumb in air checked the political winds and came up with an idea that allowed the wiggle room to be able to run to both sides of the issue. Love or Hate Bush, at least he did put his arse on the line and didn't seem to bat an eye doing it! Congress is packed full of cowards except for the few who had balls to go on record and vote against the mass hysteria.
Maybe you didn't mean it the way you said it and based on your last response that I'm responding to, I have to concede that point but when I look back at you defending private contracting firms in other threads where it's shown that waste and fraud are occuring, again I hope you see how a mixed signal is sent.
Obviously I don't agree with the foreign policy of our gov't and right now my beliefs are mostly in the minority. Even average people who oppose the war in Iraq that I talk with don't believe we can just pull out and leave a void and in the shorterm they may be right about the insuing chaos that would come from a civil war between Sunni and Shi'a. I happen to think it's medicine we'll have to take at some point but again I'm in the minority.
The democrats want to point the accusatory finger at Bush over his adventures but they won't look at the very precedence their President in the 1990's set with his own adventures. And all the while the republicans did just as the democrats are doing today with opposing lipservice to the point that Bush himself decried Nationbuilding in 2000', those same republicans voted time and time again to fund those very "nationbuilding" operations of the 1990's.
I don't pretend that cutting gov't will be some pie-n-the-sky venture and that immediate perfection will be achieved. There will be some pain and some risk, maybe a lot of both but what are some saying we are going through right now?
But over the longhaul, for our children and grandchildren, it's a tough pill we need to swallow or we risk their being nothing for those kids of ours. The founding fathers were by no means perfect and the opinions of their day were across the board as to what the vision for America should be just as we have today. But that said, they also understood what happens when a nation turns towards nation-state which then leads to empire and in time it's laid it's mark for failure and demise. I mean we'd just fought a war as the world's superpower at that time and won so is there a lesson there for us today?
Every nation-state who through it's own conceit believes itself as the world's Superpower has nailed it's own coffin shut in doing so.
Let me also say this, I used you and D as examples but I also know you 2 aren't perfect examples of oppsoing sides. I mean IMO D although a loyal democrat is not waht I'd consider a true left liberal. That said, I used you 2 as more examples of what the greater majority of people are like on both sides. You 2 are more what normal America is so in that respect you made great pictures of what Americans and where Americans are at these days. Meant no disrespect and hope you don't mind that I think you 2 are normal!