Oh yes this is because of Obama care. The thing about the afforabale health care act, it punishes those who have healthcare already, it also goes after health insurance agencies as well. The attempt to get everyone on O-care. Trust me, if UPS wouldnt need to pay fines on their workers who are covered, they wouldnt. Obama care strickly attacks the buisness straight out. So much for not paying more taxes, so much for lower class and middle class. This will cripple everything you know about America today. This is an attack on successful buisness companies.
Many people have been saying this from the start. So I guess you got what you voted for, good job! You were warned before, now and today. "These are the times that will test mens souls, George Washington."
Some of the details I've heard. 30$ a week if your single, 60$ if you're married and 90$ a week if you have kids under the plan.
Many people work at UPS just for the healthcare. I do see a lot of people, mostly Pters, leaving because of Obama care. Why work a crappy job for healthcare when its coming from the government. The only people wanting to stay around would be those looking for fulltime job openings. Again, attacking the business. The turn over rate would go threw the roof!