This time of year the part timers in our building are working between 17 and 20 hours a week. Lets use the higher number of 20 and use a new hire. 20 x 8.50/hr = $170. After the illegal federal income tax and other taxes, thats gotta be around $130. After they pay for gas and other similar expenses there down to under $100. Down to $60 with this new proposal and thats if your single. $240 a month, then minus union initiation fees, which I don't remember what they are, then minus the once a month union dues of ~$50. Would a single employee that just started out make more then $150 take home pay with this new proposal? Would they even have any take home pay if they had a spouse and 1 kid?
Most part timers I know are there for the benefits, and if the benefits start costing them to the point where their take home is so little or even nothing, then not only is the company not going to get any new hires, but even the people that have been part timers for a few years and making $15/hr or less will leave. This has to be just a tactic on UPS's part and they don't plan on it actually going through. I don't see this happening but if they are this aggressive then I'm concerned about what else they may try to pull off.
Most part timers I know are there for the benefits, and if the benefits start costing them to the point where their take home is so little or even nothing, then not only is the company not going to get any new hires, but even the people that have been part timers for a few years and making $15/hr or less will leave. This has to be just a tactic on UPS's part and they don't plan on it actually going through. I don't see this happening but if they are this aggressive then I'm concerned about what else they may try to pull off.