UPS wants us to pay 90 dollars a week for health insurance!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
This time of year the part timers in our building are working between 17 and 20 hours a week. Lets use the higher number of 20 and use a new hire. 20 x 8.50/hr = $170. After the illegal federal income tax and other taxes, thats gotta be around $130. After they pay for gas and other similar expenses there down to under $100. Down to $60 with this new proposal and thats if your single. $240 a month, then minus union initiation fees, which I don't remember what they are, then minus the once a month union dues of ~$50. Would a single employee that just started out make more then $150 take home pay with this new proposal? Would they even have any take home pay if they had a spouse and 1 kid?

Most part timers I know are there for the benefits, and if the benefits start costing them to the point where their take home is so little or even nothing, then not only is the company not going to get any new hires, but even the people that have been part timers for a few years and making $15/hr or less will leave. This has to be just a tactic on UPS's part and they don't plan on it actually going through. I don't see this happening but if they are this aggressive then I'm concerned about what else they may try to pull off.


Well-Known Member
negotiating tactic. we should come back w our own negotiating tactic, make starting pt wage $15, $5 immediate cost of living raise followed by $1 raise per year til end of contract, free health care, turn %75 of part timers to full time by end of contract, remaining part-timers get 4 1/2 hr guarantee make overtime optional for full timers!!


Well-Known Member
negotiating tactic. we should come back w our own negotiating tactic, make starting pt wage $15, $5 immediate cost of living raise followed by $1 raise per year til end of contract, free health care, turn %75 of part timers to full time by end of contract, remaining part-timers get 4 1/2 hr guarantee make overtime optional for full timers!!

Don't forget to turn in your uniform as UPS locks it's doors. Greed from either side is still greed. (and I know this post was probably TIC)


Well-Known Member
i know that, that's why its a negotiating scare tactic, u do realize ups made 4.38 billion in net profit last year right? we are not working for a failing company, we are working for one of the most profitable companies in the world! we gotta fight fire w fire! it would be nice if union and management could all get along and come up w a nice plan beneficial to all. :grouphug: :happy-very:

outta hours

Well-Known Member
Keep using your personal cell phones to conduct company business. And help the company that won't provide you with one for that purpose. And now wants you to pay for your own insurance. Makes sense huh ?
Keep using your personal cell phones to conduct company business. And help the company that won't provide you with one for that purpose. And now wants you to pay for your own insurance. Makes sense huh ?
Everytime your sup calls you..tell him or her ....this call now costs 20 bucks....I am saving up for healthcare!!! P.S. we had a driver that was sending in too many messages on his diad..The boss said stop sending in all those messages ..we have to pay for those!!!WTF????


Well-Known Member
lol it wont make sense, maybe they want full timers to pay $90 a week, part timers to pay $50 a week.
a new hire making $8.50 an hour and 25 hours a week would make $212.50 a week before taxes and union dues. lets say $150 after taxes and dues now take $50 for insurance that leaves $100 a week now factor in gas money etc etc. ups will not be able to retain employees for that low of pay. for $100 a week u could work part time at mcdonalds, get a free daily meal and do less than half the back breaking labor you would do at ups. i thinks its a negotiating tactic and a horrible one at that because if we called ups bluff they would have to import workers from china for those wages.
since they get the same coverage as full timers by law they have to charge everybody the same.


Got the T-Shirt
We had a meeting with our steward about the contract negotiation and he was telling us its at a stand still right now because the company wants us to pay 90 dollars a week for health benifits

Has anyone heard anything about this???
General Secretary-Treasurer hall drew a line in the sand on the issue on a national conference call of local officers yesterday and announced a series of union actions by the International and local unions.

"We're not paying $90. We're not paying $9. We're not paying 9¢. We're not paying premiums for health insurance for a company that made $4.389 billion," Hall said.

Hall said that UPS has been told they must drop the proposal when contract negotiations resume or the union will pull the plug on early bargaining.

"We will walk away from negotiations and see you in July," Hall said."

UPS Targets Health Benefits | Teamsters for a Democratic Union

I am assuming.... this is common knowledge by now.




Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
"Oh yes this is because of Obama care. The thing about the afforabale health care act, it punishes those who have healthcare already, it also goes after health insurance agencies as well. The attempt to get everyone on O-care. Trust me, if UPS wouldnt need to pay fines on their workers who are covered, they wouldnt. Obama care strickly attacks the buisness straight out. So much for not paying more taxes, so much for lower class and middle class. This will cripple everything you know about America today. This is an attack on successful buisness companies. "

--YOU REALLY, REALLY NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!! Stop re-gurgitating the crap spewed by the Repubs!! Think for yourself and educate yourself. Just because you read it on Fox news or heard it from some interview from a lying repub in some interview does not make it "fact." Show me in the law where its costing a dime more for UPS!! UPS provides full coverage so the penalties within the law do not apply to it. The law went after; 1. Companies claiming their employees are only part time therefore they do not get insurance rights (ala Wallmart) and 2. the Insurance companies to force them to pay 80% towards direct care instead of 40% and the rest going towards CEO pay, lobbiests and "educational conferences" in Florida, Arizona, Bahamas and other nice vacation destinations. Name me one Insurance Company that went out of bussiness in the last 40+ years and not due to being "bought out" to limit competition. :/

Get your head out of your rectum and start thinking for yourself.
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Well-Known Member
since they get the same coverage as full timers by law they have to charge everybody the same.

We don't get the same coverage nor are we covered under the same plan as part-timers. Both plans are VERY good healthcare plans, but I have heard of differences from various people over the years. Especially in the Dental coverage.


New Member
Union stewards at my hub where handing out flyers that said the premiums would cost:
$30 for individuals
$60 for spouse
$90 for family
In the breakdown they seemed to add individual+family= $130(first year of contract). I'm PT single and $30 would be over 1/4th my pay. If this happens I will have to leave, this accompanied with low wages and lack of FT positions makes a career at ups unlikely for me.