There are lots of companies that end up needing empolyees to work another shift. But they usually ask each individual by seniority and hours available. Then if employees are needed to work another shift, they are indeed forced to stay. But usually they get another lunch break with a meal voucher. I think UPS management instead of delivering ultimatums, and pissing off it's people, should already have a plan in place. The plan could be implemented when conditions such as bad weather could force employees to work a second shift. The plan would first "ask" it's employees to stay, and "why" management is asking. Second, the plan would allow employees time to call and make changes to their personal lives. Third, the plan would provide a free, decent meal (sorry-not just a slice of pizza) and additional time to eat, and rest. Fourth, the plan would 'thank" employees for staying. Lastly, the plan would state the company has the right to force empolyees to stay by reverse seniority order and available hours.