Use your big brown truck to run over war protestors!



France can eat my underpants !!

(that almost rhymes..ahh good enuff-- I'm grunk anyways..hic )


UPS vette, good post, you seem very intelligent, that walk in Normandy must have been very emotional, I had family there and cannot even fathom the bravery and sacrifice, hope this generation has the same mentality, they seem to. god bless them all!


Ahh, ups vette, you reveal your true intentions with your words.

"Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush"?

"From past experience, it wouldn't matter who you vote for. Our right wing Supreem Court will again anoint George W Bush regardless of the vote."?

You are clearly a bitter little shell of a liberal whiner who still can't get over the fact the your "boy" Al Gore lost the last election fair and square. Emasculated and impotent, your only recourse now is to spread lies and slander on the internet. Unfortunately for you, we are a little brighter than your mongoloid offspring and can see right through your pathetic rhetoric. Once again, I will offer you the opportunity to back up your little lies with facts, and post a link to some definitive evidence that the US sold chemical and biological weapons to Iraq. Yes, ups vette, I said "weapons", not anthrax strains or the chemical pre-cursors to insecticides, which is all that the US government authorised. Of course you will fail once again to present this evidence, because it just doesn't exist. Peddle your lies elsewhere, little man. As far as reading comprehension goes, you could use a little yourself, or maybe you just need a class in how things work in the real world (as opposed to your fantasy world).

Lesson #1: The Washington Post was no friend of the Reagan and Bush administrations, and that slant often shows up in their reporting. Case in point, the article states that The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague. </font>

This is close as the article gets to backing your ridiculous assertion that his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons and the link is pretty tenuous. The author is trying to make it sound as if Reagan/Bush personally signed off on the deal, when in fact all it means is that the Iraqi governemnt applied for and recieved a license to purchase those items from the US while those men were president. Even a silly conspiracy theory obsessed liberal like you must understand that those decisions are not made in the white house. And even the biased author of this article had to admit that everything that they were authorised to purchase had legitimate civilian applications.

I anxiously await your next blustering and error ridden reply. I'm still laughing over that "right wing supreme court" line
. Why don't you tell us who really killed Kennedy while you're at it?


Next I suppose you're going to say the meeting between "SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY" Donald Rumsfeld and Hussein never happened.
It never fails to happen. Whenever anyone challenges the far right with documented truth, they go to their playbook and resort to name calling and personal insults. There is little, if any, difference today between extream fundementialest, wheather they be Musliems or Republicians. Their belief in their cause is unshakable. They blindly go forth, following their leaders, defending their extream beliefs, regardless of facts to support them.
They say the so called "liberal press" skews the truuth, while Rush Lindbaugh only reports the facts without putting spin on them. It must be hard for these people knowing they are never wrong and the rest of the worlld is never right.
Sadly it is you, deliver_man, who has no concept of the real world. So just continue living in your selfabsorbed rightous world, lashing out at those who do not agree with you, being your only means of justifing your pityful existance.
As to the Suprem Court deciding that Bush shall be President, are you aware that the daughter of the Chief Justice held off the investigation of Gov. Jeb Bush and his Dept of Child Welfare till AFTER the elections in Florida? Father decides who will be President, daughter decides who will be Gov. of Florida. But of course you will say just another conspiracy theory. Seems like that's your answer to everything. You really need to come up with a new phrase.
Thank you for taking the time to read my responce, which I'm sure will be followed by more name calling, since that's been your only responce thus far.


ups vette: I see from your profile that you retired in 1995, spent 26 years in management, and your favorite TV show is West Wing. That explains a few things, and leaves me wondering about a few other things.

First, your 26 years in management. You undoubtedly spent some of those years in the lean 70s, when our economy was in a slump because we spent much of the 60s under Democratic leadership. It took putting a guy like Ronald Reagan in office, and leaving Bush there for four more years, to take us into the booming 90s. By the way, I was too young to benefit from trickle down economics.

Then Willie Clinton took over and rode their work for 8 years (thankfully he had a Congress that had a Republican heading it up during those years). They, not Willie, kept our economy booming.

I hope you realize that the Republican party favors big companies, and allows you to probably live pretty well on your dividends. Too bad the democrats won't let the "no tax on dividends" proposal pass. That was George W's idea, and would have benefitted you!

West Wing is your favorite show, huh? That explains all the negativity about the war. You are a Martin Sheen fan!

I say you and Marty can go over to Iraq, pass through all of those cities where our troops have passed, and tell all those kids that were standing on the side of the roads cheering them that this war is wrong, and those bad Coalition troops should leave Saddam alone! I'm sure that if you and Marty tried that, you would get a real feel for how those people have been treated by the tyrant that is presently in power. The two of you wouldn't make it past the first city.


I have made that walk thru the graves in Normandy several times...Each time with emotion and gratitude for those brave Americans.
My first time was perhaps the most emotional. It was on June 6th, 1993. The 49th aniversity of D Day. The crowd of Americans, French, Belgiums, and yes, even Germans, all took the time to reflect what had happened that fateful day. The ceromony that day made me proud to be an American, more than I've ever felt before.
After the ceromony, I was sitting at a little outside cafe right across the street from the church where the American paratrooper got hung up on the church bell tower, as portrayed in the film "The Longest Day". While siping a beer a eldery man wearing the uniform of an American solider sat at my tabel. This was the 48th June 6th he was here, the 1st being the actual invasion. Since that fateful day, he has missed only one time because of being bed ridden in 1956.
We spent several hours talking about his experiences on June 6th, 1944. He was a true American hero.
I'm certain that todays heros are now in Iraq and I pray for their safe and quick retuurn home.


At NO TIME have I ever said I support the current Iraqi leadership. They are as evil a group of leaders of any country ever in the history of the world. I suport the decision to eliminate them. Where I disagree, is in doing it by putting hundreds of thousands of Americans in harms way, without exausting EVERY diplomatic solution. In the 12 years since the 1st Gulf War, America has lost the ability to rally the world with us, as we had in 1991. This is very disturbing to me and I'm at a loss to determine why we are no longer the leader of the world. We have presented convincing arguments as to why Hussin must go, but for whatever reasons, the world at large was not convinced of our intensions. I know some will say it's the fault of the French and Germans who have a large financial stake in Iraq. This alone can not be the reason. Our neighbors Mexico and Canada refused us. WHY?? Could it be they wanted something in return which we weren't willing to give? If so, how did it get to the point where we have to bribe our friends to agree wiith us? I'm filled with questions without answers on how and why this happened.
Perhaps some of the brighter minds who frequent this board would care to give their thoughts.


When you've got a mouse in your house, you've got to remove the places where the mouse will hide in order to catch him. We are now removing the furniture around the big rat Hussein. We supported him before to help keep Iran in check, but he only grows more evil. He has raised two evil sons to perpetuate his reign. When they are stronger, they will want to dominate the whole Arab world, using nucleur weapons if they can get them. For certain, they will want to destroy Israel and the United States. It just seems wise to stop them now before they can achieve their goals. People are going to hate us regardless, so, let them, just as long as they fear us too. People who want to murder us should learn to think again and weigh the cost. That's what this war is about. Thank God Bush won the election. He was the right man for these days.


For whatever its worth, I think its a combination of fear of terrorist reprisals in their own countries and now that America is the lone superpower of the world, its easy to dump the problem in our lap. The UN is a pathetic joke, which doesn't enforce it's own resolutions and to further the farce, they have countries like Libya chairing the Human Rights Commission. I believe many nations support us, but don't want it on public record. Despite this, there are still 40 or so countries who support us.


ups vette,
as expected , your reply once again failed to provide ANY evidence that US ever sold biological and chemical weapons to Hussein. It was, however, filled with more of the trademark inaccuracies and mis-conceptions which seem to be a hallmark of your blighted and retarded worldview.
Now wipe the drool from your chin and pay attention as I set things straight

Next I suppose you're going to say the meeting between "SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY" Donald Rumsfeld and Hussein never happened.

Why would I say something like that? More to the point, what the heck does that have to with your ridiculous claim that his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons to use in the Iraqi war against Iran.
Do you really think that special envoys meet with people for the sole purpose of selling them chemical and biological weapons? I guess we must be selling those weapons to the Afghans as well then?

or perhaps you also believe that President Clinton sent Jesse Jackson to sell weapons to the Africans?

Sadly your post only continues to deteriorate:

They say the so called "liberal press" skews the truuth, while Rush Lindbaugh only reports the facts without putting spin on them

Well you have really veered off course now, it must be nearing time to change your diaper

Rush Limbaugh is a loudmouthed extremist who spews rhetoric (Hey! He kinda reminds me of you!), but once again what does that have to with your ridiculous assertion that his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons to use in the Iraqi war against Iran.?

Not much of course, but then I'm getting used to that from you.

Father decides who will be President, daughter decides who will be Gov. of Florida. But of course you will say just another conspiracy theory.
Well, you have finally got something right
, your medication must kicking in. What an interesting and exciting world you live in, where nothing is as it seems, and there is a secret conspiracy behind every government action. Well, it's back to reality for me, not quite so mysterious and full of intrigue as the fantasy life that you lead, but that's just me I guess. Let us all know when you figure who stole the Elephant Man's bones, probably that dastardly Reagan and his Special Agent, err, I mean Special Envoy Rumsfeld.

(Message edited by deliver_man on March 23, 2003)


the one thing I can say about you is that you never fail to amuse and amaze me with your with your childish name calling. I'm glad there people in the world such as you. For without you and people like you, the people in the mental health field would have nothing to do. there are volumes of case studies documenting people aflicted with the same mental disorder you suffer from.
Unfortunately for you, the prognosis is dismal at best. Your best course of action is to continue coloring with your crayons (no sharp objects), eating with your hands (no sharp objects), drinking from paper cups (no sharp objects),and telling your nurse when you must use the bathroom. There are some excellent facilities that will care of you and who knows,you may be well enough to join society one day.
In the meantime, continue taking your medication, learning new words, and get you daily injection from Slush Slimebaugh
Take care and get well soon.


ups vette: In the meantime, continue taking your medication, learning new words, and get you daily injection from Slush Slimebaugh.

You say deliver man amuses you with childish name calling?

Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?


ups vette,
Done so soon? All out of fantastical theories about secret presidential envoys sneaking over to Iraq with gypsy wagons full of banned weapons? No more wild, chilling tales about how our electoral process is controlled from behind the scenes by secret societies and the Illuminati? And not even a peep about who really killed Kennedy or who stole the Elephant Man's bones
After 8 posts in this thread, you have utterly failed to provide a single, solitary shred of evidence to back up your nonsensical claims, and your latest post is clearly an admission of that failure. Beaten and humiliated, proven wrong at every turn and unable to provide any facts to support your conspiracy theories, your final, pathetic gesture is to spit out a few feeble insults before crawling back into your hole. This has probably been a pattern you have followed through most of your adult life.
Go home and listen to that Limbaugh character, you certainly seem to have an obsession with him



Hey vette

Understand sonething. IF an administration approves something, that does not state that the leader of that admin. did so. There are hundreds of thousands of nameless faceless g4's and up that make all sorts of rules and policies that govern/affect us. But that does not mean that Bush of Reagan personally OKed any thing. If so, then I guess that clinton OKed the selling of missile technology to the Chinese.

As to the transfer of biological materiel to any country. For the last 40 or so years there have been companies that have sold bio's for research purposes to anyone that showed a ligit need. Read here ANYONE. Even you or I, if we could show that we were doing some sort of research. Colleges and bussiness, and other countries wer very good customers. And there were no strings attached. Funny, we spend billions of dollars elliminating a disease, keep the virus around to play with it, then ship it to other areas for them to play with it. And when it gets used for other purposes than what we sold it to them for, we act suprised.



Cograts...I see the remedial arithmatic class has payed off. Your ability to count past 5 has greatly improved. I knew you would find another use for your right hand know.
Unfortunately, you reading comprehnsion still needs improvement. I posted seven (7) messages pertaining to US involment in Iraq's WMD program. The eighth (8) posting was in reference to my experiences at the US Military Cemetary in Normandy.
As far as posting links, an excellent link WAS posted, yet you dismiss it as liberal untruths. Therefore, I see no need to post others, as you , in your US has never made a mistake mind, would not believe.
We used to have a saying "The Buck Stops Here", which to my thinking, means the man/woman at the top is responsible for decisions made by those beneath them. The last time I've seen this was when President Nixon resigned. As dispicable as I found his actions, I admire him for having the courage to admit his mistakes and accept responsibility, UNLIKE those who followed him, including Clinton.


Nope, the last time you saw it was when the marine barracks were bombed and REAGAN took full responsability when every one was wanting to find someone to blame. And there have been others Im sure, but that one stands out. Point is that we have tens of thousands of "civil servants" that control our lives in ways you might not even know and they make decisions that affect us in all areas of our lives. And the "leader" of the admin. rarely ever gets blamed for the outcome.



I see the troglodyte
has poked his head from his hole again, in search of more enlightenment . A teachers work is never done
Well, this is a little nitpicky, but I might as well adress it:
Unfortunately, you reading comprehnsion still needs improvement. I posted seven (7) messages pertaining to US involment in Iraq's WMD program. The eighth (8) posting was in reference to my experiences at the US Military Cemetary in Normandy.

I said you made 8 posts, I could care less what they were about. The relevant factor is that none of them supported your outlandish allegations.

As far as posting links, an excellent link WAS posted, yet you dismiss it as liberal untruths.

Please point to where I dismissed ANYTHING as "liberal untruths". The only thing I ponted out about the article that Browncow linked to is that it did not in any way support your lies and slander. It's a curious world you live in, where truth has a political bias. In my world (that would be the REAL world), a lie is a lie, regardless if uttered by a liberal or a conservative. And you, ups vette, are a liar. The only thing I have continued to state as being untrue is the following ridiculous statement by you:
his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons to use in the Iraqi war against Iran.

This brings us to the latest statement that highlights your total lack of credibility, as well as your inability to think logically:
Therefore, I see no need to post others, as you , in your US has never made a mistake mind, would not believe.

Let me see if I understand you here; Someone ELSE posted a link that did NOT support your allegations, so you feel no need to post a link to anything that DOES support them, because noone would believe it anyway? Oh thats just BRILLIANT
. You would make a FINE prosecutor, I can just see it now:
"Yes judge, I have plenty of evidence against the defendant, but I'm not going to present it because noone would believe it anyway...."

You are some piece of work...