ups vette,
as expected , your reply once again failed to provide ANY evidence that US ever sold biological and chemical weapons to Hussein. It was, however, filled with more of the trademark inaccuracies and mis-conceptions which seem to be a hallmark of your blighted and retarded worldview.
Now wipe the drool from your chin and pay attention as I set things straight
Next I suppose you're going to say the meeting between "SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY" Donald Rumsfeld and Hussein never happened.
Why would I say something like that? More to the point, what the heck does that have to with your ridiculous claim that
his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons to use in the Iraqi war against Iran.
Do you really think that special envoys meet with people for the sole purpose of selling them chemical and biological weapons? I guess we must be selling those weapons to the Afghans as well then?
or perhaps you also believe that President Clinton sent Jesse Jackson to sell weapons to the Africans?
Sadly your post only continues to deteriorate:
They say the so called "liberal press" skews the truuth, while Rush Lindbaugh only reports the facts without putting spin on them
Well you have really veered off course now, it must be nearing time to change your diaper
Rush Limbaugh is a loudmouthed extremist who spews rhetoric (Hey! He kinda reminds me of you!), but once again what does that have to with your ridiculous assertion that
his Holiness, President Ronald Regan, and his Cardinal, VP George H W Bush, sold the Iraqi leader (guess who) biological and chemical weapons to use in the Iraqi war against Iran.?
Not much of course, but then I'm getting used to that from you.
Father decides who will be President, daughter decides who will be Gov. of Florida. But of course you will say just another conspiracy theory.
Well, you have finally got something right
, your medication must kicking in. What an interesting and exciting world you live in, where nothing is as it seems, and there is a secret conspiracy behind every government action. Well, it's back to reality for me, not quite so mysterious and full of intrigue as the fantasy life that you lead, but that's just me I guess. Let us all know when you figure who stole the Elephant Man's bones, probably that dastardly Reagan and his Special Agent, err, I mean Special Envoy Rumsfeld.
(Message edited by deliver_man on March 23, 2003)