Vaccine Mandates Coming For Employment

If you are still buying into the covid fear, you are a simpleton. The only way to go back to normal is for people to just start living like normal. To the best of my ability I never stopped


Well-Known Member

Entrenched Principle to Not Coerce Acceptance of Unlicensed Medical Products
To be licensed, the FDA must find that a medical product is “safe for use and … effective in use.”3 Until licensed, a medical product remains investigational, even after issuance of an EUA. As the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) explains with regard to a vaccine granted EUA: “The issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine. A vaccine available under emergency use authorization is still considered investigational.”4 And as the FDA explains, “an investigational drug can also be called an experimental drug” because these two terms are synonymous.5 For example, the EUA fact sheet for an intravenous drug to treat H1N1 granted EUA by the FDA explains that it is “an experimental drug.”6 Similarly, after an EUA was granted
for the COVID-19 vaccine co-developed by the NIH and Moderna, it was described by the NIH as an “[e]xperimental coronavirus vaccine
Long settled legal precedent establishes that it is not legal to coerce an individual to accept an unlicensed, and hence experimental, medical product. An individual must voluntarily agree, free from any undue influence, to accept same. This principle was first codified long-ago by American jurists.8 It was then incorporated into the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, and guidance from federal health agencies. See e.g., 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-0a (Even for patients with a life-threatening condition, an unlicensed medical product cannot be coerced, rather Congress required obtaining the patient’s “written informed consent.”) 42 U.S.C. § 9501 (Same for mental health patients);9 45 C.friend.R. § 46.116 (For an unlicensed medical product, the “Basic elements of informed consent” include that “participation is voluntary,” “refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled” and that consent be obtained without “coercion or undue influence.”);10 FDA Information Sheet: Informed Consent (“Coercion occurs when an overt threat of harm [such as expulsion from school or employment] is intentionally presented by one person to another in order to obtain compliance.”)11
I see a lot of coercion going around. Don’t you? In other words, if a UPS management employee tries to coerce you by threatening your job, record record record and have a shop steward with you as an eye witness. This is grounds for a lawsuit and you would legally win. Thank you for this information. If none of you invested in hidden body camera (with audio) technology, I would suggest you do so. It’s not real expensive.


Well-Known Member
If you are still buying into the covid fear, you are a simpleton. The only way to go back to normal is for people to just start living like normal. To the best of my ability I never stopped
Exactly, this study proves it. I didn’t need a study to already know this has occurred throughout all known history with viral illnesses. If people just bit the bullet and isolated the vulnerable if that’s what their wishes were (remember they rights too), they’d have long lasting immunity like I do right now. This would all be over.
I see a lot of coercion going around. Don’t you? In other words, if a UPS management employee tries to coerce you by threatening your job, record record record and have a shop steward with you as an eye witness. This is grounds for a lawsuit and you would legally win. Thank you for this information. If none of you invested in hidden body camera (with audio) technology, I would suggest you do so. It’s not real expensive.
Whoa whoa no ones forcing anyone. You have a choice you can get the shots or we’ll make your life hell. Businesses can do what they want ! Ha

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I see a lot of coercion going around. Don’t you? In other words, if a UPS management employee tries to coerce you by threatening your job, record record record and have a shop steward with you as an eye witness. This is grounds for a lawsuit and you would legally win. Thank you for this information. If none of you invested in hidden body camera (with audio) technology, I would suggest you do so. It’s not real expensive.

Now, is recording at UPS legal and contractual or company policy?

I would get written statements from the Company and Union.

Not conjecture, wild guessing,friend-em hothead stuff. it ok to clandestinely, secretly record? And it be admissible in court and not get me fired?


Well-Known Member
I am going to quote Full Metal Jacket. " You can give your heart to Jesus, but your ass belongs to UPS". If the company makes a "business decision"(BA lingo), to make vaccines a requirement, get it or go work for a mom and pop store that does not require it.


Well-Known Member

COVID-19 is not more deadly than the flu UNLESS you have taken the vaccine; then it might be more dangerous. The vaccine is ineffective at stopping severe COVID illness and, data suggests, might actually make things worse…. creating a perpetual need for continued booster modifications to counteract the initial issue.
This^^^^^ is the problem.
What’s funny about the vaccine is that if it was hard kill instead of soft kill there would be about 150 million people dead and they would’ve taken it no questions asked. They will roll something out like that in the future